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S16 | MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014 | E-Discovery


EisnerAmper LLP is a leading full-service account- LITIGATION SUPPORT
Discover why inSync Litigation S
upport is 
ing and advisory irm and among the largest in the New York’s Best Attorney Servi
ces Firm
United States.

EisnerAmper’s Litigation Services Practice pro- 
vides economic damages, forensic accounting, and 

valuation services in complex commercial litigation 
Bulldog Process Service
and arbitrations, forensic investigations, matrimo- 
118 E 28th Street #307, New York, NY 10016 nial disputes, valuations, and other dispute-related inSync Litigation Support, LLC
services to the legal community. EisnerAmper’s 75 Maiden Lane, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10038
Integrated Litigation Support
Contact: Theo Gremminger
Bankruptcy and Restructuring Practice offers re- • Process Service
189 Montague Street, Suite 501,
[email protected]
structuring and investigative advisory services to • Court Clerical Brooklyn, NY 11201
distressed businesses, unsecured creditors, senior (212) 233-4040 • Investigations 
The last thing you want to worry about is your • e-Filing
lenders, receivers and bankruptcy trustees.
[email protected] 
Process Serving needs. At Bulldog Process Ser-
vice we aim to have our clients never worry again. • Customized Services
Stress free process service done quickly, responsi- • Courier
Renamed in 2013, inSync Litigation Support brings
bly and, most importantly, effectively.
together more than 160 years of combined experi-
ence in the legal industry. inSync is composed of
We are based out of our ofice in Manhattan and • tel: (212) 233-4040 • email: info
American Clerical Service,AetnaJudicialService,inSync Litigation Support, LLC th
service the entire State of New York.
75Maide Lne,11Floor• NewYork, NY10 189MontagueStreet,Suite501•Brooklyn,N
Federated Process Service, Lex-Serv and Premier 038
Y 11201
• All of our servers carry smart phones, and each 
Grassi & Co. provides damage assessment, expert Legal Services.
of your services will be GPS tracked, photographed testimony, litigation support, and valuation services 
and time stamp recorded.
inSync is the only integrated provider of essential 
• We are fully bonded and insured.
to the nation’s top law irms, insurance agencies, litigation services in the New York City area. inSync 
• We are in complete compliance with DCA man- government agencies, nonproits and private and 
public businesses.
makes it easier for plaintiff and defense attorneys 
dated laws for Process Servers and Process Serv- to focus on a winning litigation strategy by deliver- 
ing Agencies.
Our team consists of seasoned certiied accoun- ing a diverse range of sequential litigation support 
tants, taxation and IRS experts as well as fraud ex- 
While some agencies have just started to implement aminers with experience in sampling and statistical throughout a case’s lifetime—all with one contact 
the use of new technologies, at BPS we have been point.
methods who hold the following credentials:
using them since 2010. There will be no kinks to • ASA Certiied Valuation Experts 
work out, thus ensuring your papers will be served inSync’s services are:
correctly and properly recorded.
• Certiied Public Accountant (CPA)
• inSync Process Service offers process service in 
with GAAP and GAAS expertise
all 62 counties of New York, all 50 states and inter- 
Bulldog Process Service will offer you an attentive • Certiied Fraud Examiner (CFE)
staff, daily court running and iling, as well as a ter- nationally, serving state, federal, civil, criminal and 
• Certiied Construction Industry Financial
family court matters.
riic group of Process Servers. Professional (CCIFP) Grassi & Co.
• inSync Court Clerical operates a dedicated full- 
• Juris Doctor (JD)
time court service team covering all 62 counties 
488 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022 • Masters in Taxation (MS)
of New York and New Jersey via our afiliate NJLS 
Additional Ofice: Jericho, NY
• Information technology, e-discovery and
Contact: Yigal Rechtman, CPA, CFE, CITP, CISM (New Jersey Lawyers Service) and iles documents, 
systems’ security expertise (CISM, CITP) advances fees, appears at calendar calls, follows 
Manager of Forensic & Litigation Support Services Our experts work diligently to meet and exceed 
212-223-5008 / 516-918-5946 and tracks cases on motion and trial calendars and 
[email protected]
your needs-resulting in:
retrieves iled documents.
• Increased likelihood of successful case • inSync Investigations conducts sign-ups, skip 
traces, witness statements, surveillance, stakeouts, 
• Better information for improving asset searches, background checks and subpoe- 
settlement outcomes
naed records research provided through its afiliate 
• Improved cost eficiency and lexibility of Lex-Serv, LLC.
EisnerAmper LLP
expert witness services
• inSync e-Filing provides full-service scanning, 
750 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
• Attorney client privilege for 
quality control, secure online document control, ex- 
non-testifying consulting
pert document assembly and delivery of courtesy 
Richard Gering, National Leader,
Grassi & Co. is the 75th largest accounting irm copies to judges.
Litigation Services Practice
215.881.8828 | [email protected] in the US and has been ranked among the Top 25 • inSync Concierge delivers a continuous low of 
“Best of the Best Firms” by INSIDE Public Account- information to clients by providing a dedicated 
Dennis Neier, New York Practice Leader ing for eight consecutive years.
212.891.4028 | [email protected] representative, a direct phone hotline and priority 
Allen Wilen, National Leader, Bankruptcy and
treatment for all tasks.
Restructuring Practice
732.243.7386 | [email protected]

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