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S14 | MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014 | E-Discovery | NYLJ.COM
and other research projects. Our forensic experts spe-
cialize in writing individualized economic loss appraisals
for solo attorneys, large law irms, private industry and
government agencies. We have authored more than
four thousand reports and our experts have collectively
Tinari Economics Group
testiied in more than one thousand trials, hearings and
112 West 34th Street, 18th Floor
depositions in NY, NJ, PA, CT, MA, FL, GA, VA, TX, CO and
Comprehensive Archives, Inc.
New York, NY 10120
other venues.
87-46 123rd Street
tel. 212-201-0938 fax. 212-201-0937
293 Eisenhower Parkway, Suite 190 We are a cost-effective and exceptionally responsive
Richmond Hill, NY 11418
alternative to larger consulting irms. The goal of STEG is
718-849-7277 or 800-942-7554 Livingston, NJ 07039
to meet the needs of law irms, large or small, at reason-
[email protected]
tel. 973-992-1800 fax. 973-994-1571
[email protected]
able rates. Because of the cutting-edge knowledge and
Your Document Storage Solution
broad experience of our testifying experts, STEG has
The Sobel Tinari Economics Group (STEG) is a team of
Founded in 1978, Comprehensive Archives has provided excellent command of the many substantive issues that
secure, cost-effective, off-site document and record stor- Ph.D. economists and analysts who provide economic may arise in the course of an engagement. And with our
age for many of New York’s leading irms. Family-owned consulting services in litigated matters, industry studies staff of full-time research analysts, we are able to quick-
and operated, we offer you a refreshing personal, hands-
and other research projects. Our forensic experts spe- ly respond to changing needs and circumstances. STEG
on approach that is unique these days.
cialize in writing individualized economic loss appraisals further distinguishes itself by attempting to adhere to the
With a state-of-the-art, secure computerized network for solo attorneys, large law irms, private industry and
highest ethical standards. We strive to extend civility and
and an experienced, professional staff, we’ll work with government agencies. We have authored more than professionalism in all circumstances – to attorneys, their
you to create a lexible, customized plan which includes: four thousand reports and our experts have collectively clients, and the Court.
• Departmental billing
testiied in more than one thousand trials, hearings and
• Inventory reports
depositions in NY, NJ, PA, CT, MA, FL, GA, VA, TX, CO and
• Usage reports
other venues.
• Log-in-options
We are a cost-effective and exceptionally responsive FORENSIC ACCOUNTING
If needed, we also offer emergency access, seven days
alternative to larger consulting irms. The goal of STEG is
a week, 24 hours a day. Our central location makes us to meet the needs of law irms, large or small, at reason-
easily accessible by car, messenger, subway or bus. And able rates. Because of the cutting-edge knowledge and
our leet can pick up or deliver at any hour, day or night. broad experience of our testifying experts, STEG has
Services include:
excellent command of the many substantive issues that
• Certiied destruction
may arise in the course of an engagement. And with our
• File room relocation and in-house moves
staff of full-time research analysts, we are able to quick-
• Sorting, updating and indexing
ly respond to changing needs and circumstances. STEG GETTRY MARCUS CPA, P.C.
further distinguishes itself by attempting to adhere to the
• Computerized bar-code tracking
1 Manhattan
• Storage supplies
highest ethical standards. We strive to extend civility and 3 Park Avenue, 27th Floor
• Online access
professionalism in all circumstances – to attorneys, their
New York, NY 10016
• Document storage programs for closed businesses clients, and the Court.
T: 212-684-3399
Your documents and records couldn’t be safer or more
Long Island
secure. Access to your documents is granted only to our 88 Froehlich Farm Blvd., 3rd Floor
bonded, vetted employees; any entry or removal requires EXPERT WITNESS
Woodbury, New York 11797
an authorized signature or password. We’ll provide you T: 516-364-3390
with a written log of who requested your documents and [email protected]
when. What’s more, Comprehensive Archives has earned Contact: Mark S. Warshavskey, CPA/ARV/CFF,
the Privacy Plus Certiication from Professional Records Tinari Economics Group
and Information Services Management (PRISM) T: 212-684-3399 x 121
112 West 34th Street, 18th Floor
[email protected]
New York, NY 10120
Security and safety features include:
tel. 212-201-0938 fax. 212-201-0937 Gettry Marcus has one of the most credentialed
business valuation and litigation groups in the
• Sprinklers and full ire-protection.
293 Eisenhower Parkway, Suite 190
• Security alarms
Livingston, NJ 07039
metropolitan area. Our premier group offers
• Video surveillance
tel. 973-992-1800 fax. 973-994-1571
sophisticated business valuation, forensic
accounting, litigation support and expert
• Signed receipts for all transactions
[email protected]
Speak with one of our storage consultants to learn how testimony services to an array of clients,
The Sobel Tinari Economics Group (STEG) is a team of Including attorneys, the courts, business
we can create an affordable, customized document stor- Ph.D. economists and analysts who provide economic
age plan suited to your needs and budget. And be sure owners and estates
to ask about our special offers.
consulting services in litigated matters, industry studies