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NYLJ.COM | E-Discovery | MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014 | S15
Full service irm offering consulting services including: liti-
gation support and forensic accounting, business valuation,
expert witness testimony, contract disputes, mergers and ac- Baker Tilly Virchow Krause LLP
quisitions, bankruptcy, in addition to the traditional services (formerly Holtz Rubenstein Reminick LLP)
Litigation & Valuation Consulting Services
of accounting, auditing and tax planning and preparation.
Discover the Marcum Difference
One Penn Plaza, Suite 3000, New York, NY 10119;
Phone: 212-697-6900; Fax: 212-490-1412;
Marcum LLP’s Forensic Services
125 Baylis Road, Melville, NY 11747;
practice provides:
Phone: 631-752-7400; Fax: 631-752-1742;
• Partners with extensive testimony experience E-mail: [email protected];
• One of the highest number of credentials per Contact: Joel Podgor, CPA/CFF, CFE
partner (numerous ABV, ASA, CFA, CPA, CFF, CVA
With a staff of over 15, including three former law
and others in the industry)
enforcement professionals, the Litigation & Valuation
Melville - New York - Roseland - Neptune
Consulting Group provides a broad range of inancial
AXskills, experience and perspective to the courts and
28 West 44th Street, 20th Floor
attorneys. Our partners and managers have given cred-
New York, New York 10036.........800-724-6700
ible expert witness testimony in over 150 federal and
state Supreme Court cases. Our diversiied service areas
Contact John R. Johnson, CPA/ABV/CFF
include contract disputes, economic damages, mergers
and acquisitions, business valuations, complex personal
Marks Paneth LLP
injury matters, business and inancial fraud, construction
685 Third Avenue, 5th Floor Our Fraud and Forensic Accounting team provides a
wide variety of forensic, investigative, and litigation claims, civil and criminal tax fraud, white-collarcriminal
NewYork,NY 10017
services for law irms and their clients, insurance defense, and shareholder and matrimonial dissolution.
Our group has provided monitorship services on both
companies, governmental agencies, and business- tax and other compliance requirements as mandated by
Contact: Steven L. Henning, Ph. D., CPA es. Our professionals are experts in the ields of
deferred prosecution agreements and/or court order.
Litigation and Corporate Financial forensic accounting, inancial investigations, fraud Baker Tilly provides services to middle market busi-
examination, and damage analysis. Ofices in New nesses, not-for-proit organizations, and high net worth
Advisory Services Group
York City, Albany and Clifton NJ.
T: 212.201.3179 individuals and families
[email protected]
Our irm is distinguished by the depth and breadth of our
specialized litigation and corporate inancial advisory LITIGATION SUPPORT
practice. We have earned a reputation for providing litiga-
tion support, corporate inancial advisory, dispute analysis
and forensic accounting services of the highest quality.
We handle cases nationally and internationally for a wide BERDON LLP | Accountants and Advisors
range of clients including law irms, private and public 360 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017
companies, insurance carriers and governmental entities. One Jericho Plaza, Jericho, NY 11753
Our work in both civil and criminal cases encompasses as- 212.832.0400 |
Anchin, Block & Anchin LLP
Joseph Nelson | [email protected]
set tracing, record reconstruction, complex damages and 1375 Broadway
Paul Ribaudo | [email protected]
lost proits calculations, business and IP valuation servic- New York, NY 10018
es, infringement and royalty disputes. Our specialists have David Beckman | [email protected]
experience as both testifying and consulting experts.
Anthony M. Bracco, CPA/CFF, CFE, Co-Practice roles in complex and high proile engagements
Leader, Litigation, Forensics and Valuation Services COMPELLING TESTIMONY-formidable arguments
[email protected]
accepted by demanding federal and state courts
Stephen W. Shulman, CPA/ABV, CVA, CFF, RECOGNIZED LEADERS - earned through our
Co-Practice Leader, Litigation, Forensics and work with major law irms, the Fortune 500, and
Rosen Seymour Shapss Martin & Company LLP
Valuation Services –
government agencies
757ThirdAvenue,NewYork,NY 10017 BROAD EXPERTISE - CPAs, CFEs, CFFs, JDs,
[email protected]
MBAs, CVAs, CFAs, ABVs, and engineers with
10EsquireRoad,NewCity,NY 10956
The consultants in Anchin’s Litigation, Forensic and Valu-
Contact: Robert A. Modansky, CPA, CFF, CGMA – ation Services Group possess the experience and cre- decades of experience
Specializations include: Accountants’ Liability
212-303-9027 – [email protected] dentials recognized by attorneys, businesspeople and • Business Valuations • Damages • Expert
Alfred M. Pruskowski, CPA, CVA, CFF, CFE, CGMA – the courts to act as experts to help them make informed Testimony • Fraud Investigations • Forensic
212-303-9009 – [email protected] decisions. The group’s depth, extensive intellectual capital Accounting • Insurance Defense • Intellectual
Property • Real Estate & Construction Litigation
Additional Ofice in Garden City, NY
base, state-of-the-art technology and use of international
Ranked a Top Business Valuation Firm by professionals are strategically utilized to create effective • Securities Litigation • Shareholder &
and eficient solutions to dispute resolution matters.
Post-Acquisition Disputes • White Collar Crime.
INSIDE Public Accounting