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NYLJ.COM | E-Discovery | MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2014 | S17
Industrializing The Legal Profession
Lexvia, Inc.
19 West 34th Street, Suite 1021 Los Angeles • San Francisco • New York
he Trial Presentation Professionals
New York, NY 10001 On The Record, Inc.
The Trial Presentation Professionals
Point-to-Point Solution Inc.
Email: [email protected]
245 Park Ave 24th Floor Los Angeles
New York
5777 W. Century Blvd. 80 Maiden Lane
Lexvia offers end to end paralegal and manage- New York, NY 10167 Suite 1415
Suite 202
ment services and is “Industrializing the Litiga- Los Angeles, CA 90045 New York, NY 10038
tion Process”. Prominent law irms from na- Contact: Chris Cevallos
Tel 310-342-7170
Tel 212-430-5959
tional level large irms to sole practitioners, [email protected]
San Francisco
Contact: Elena Perrotta
respectedNYSTLAandAcademymembersandSuper 555 Montgomery Street Director of Marketing &
Lawyers are using our services to make their law irm Suite 601
Business Development
San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel 310-342-7170
operations a well-oiled machine.
Tel 415-835-5958
[email protected]
• Reduce the litigation lifecycle by 50%
• We can provide at least 30% cost savings to
your law irm’s operations
• Double your capacity to handle case load
On The Record® (OTR) is a full service trial
• We make your business operations “Paper
presentation and litigation support irm.
Light” (“paperless” is an urban myth!)
We provide fully integrated evidence presentation QuisLex
Let Lexvia’s team – lead by experienced lawyers and 757 Third Avenue, 21st Floor
systems at trials as well as other dispute resolution
process experts – help you maximize your law irm’s proceedings. For over 17 years, On The Record® New York, NY 10017
has assisted attorneys worldwide in delivering 312.945.8511
powerful, persuasive and effective trial presenta- Contact: Bruce Masterson, CMO
tions. We incorporate documents, photographs, [email protected]
graphics, video, animation and other exhibits into
a clear and convincing computer-based courtroom
QuisLex is an award-winning legal services provid-
er specializing in executing complex document re-
Services Include:
Marks Paneth LLP
view, contract management, and compliance proj-
685 Third Avenue, 5th Floor • Trial Presentation Consultants
ects for top corporations and law irms throughout
• Experienced Hot-Seat Trial Techs
the world. QuisLex has reviewed over three billion
NewYork,NY 10017
• On-site Trial Support
pages in support of litigations and investigations,
• Equipment Rental
and drafted, negotiated, and reviewed hundreds of
Contact: Steven L. Henning, Ph. D., CPA thousands of contracts in connection with compli-
• Video Services: depositions, video to transcript
Litigation and Corporate Financial synchronization & editing, tutorials, etc. ance initiatives, M&A due diligence, and contract
lifecycle management.
Advisory Services Group
• Graphics Consultants
T: 212.201.3179 • 2D & 3D Graphics & Animation
Since its founding in 2004, QuisLex has been a
pioneer in the offshore legal services industry. With
[email protected]
• Multimedia Presentations
more than 800 attorneys, process experts, statisti-
cians and linguists, QuisLex continues that tradition
Our irm is distinguished by the depth and breadth of our Our trial consultant-technicians are experienced
in high stakes civil litigation and easily inte- today by delivering solutions that reduce costs, mit-
specialized litigation and corporate inancial advisory grate into the trial team. We understand the de- igate risks, and enhance quality. The company’s ex-
practice. We have earned a reputation for providing litiga- pertise in providing these beneits has been recog-
mands of large complex litigation and conform to
tion support, corporate inancial advisory, dispute analysis the varying styles of the numerous litigators. We nized by both clients and the legal industry at large,
and forensic accounting services of the highest quality. set up our own tested and proven equipment in including being consistently ranked by Chambers &
We handle cases nationally and internationally for a wide Partners as a Band 1 legal outsourcing provider and
court and run the evidence presentation system if the New York Law Journal as a top legal services
range of clients including law irms, private and public you desire. Our company-wide resume includes
companies, insurance carriers and governmental entities. work on over 1500 cases. From the conference provider.
room to the war room to the courtroom, OTR
Our work in both civil and criminal cases encompasses For more information on QuisLex, please visit
asset tracing, record reconstruction, complex damages provides customized presentation support services
and lost proits calculations, business and IP valuation ser- and equipment conigurations for any litigation
communications challenge and venue.
vices, infringement and royalty disputes. Our specialists
have experience as both testifying and consulting experts.