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Law Schools | MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2014 | S11



Vermont Law School
164 Chelsea Street
164 Chelsea Street
South Royalton, VT 05068 South Royalton, VT 05068 

P.O. Box 4049 Atlanta, GA 30302-4049 [email protected] [email protected] 
[email protected]
(404) 413-9200 (Ofice) 
(404) 413-9203 (Fax)
This curriculum serves post-JD candidates who 
Vermont Law School offers over 50 courses in 
want to specialize in environmental law or pursue energy and environmental law and policy—the 
LL.M. Program for Foreign-Trained Lawyers
careers in teaching, research, or public policy. 
widest range of courses offered by any law school 
One of the most dynamic Public law schools in the Vermont Law School offers LLM candidates over in the world—giving students the freedom to 
United States, Georgia State University College of 50 courses in environmental law and policy, the 
design a curriculum that matches their personal 
Law is consistently ranked among the best values widest range of courses offered by any law school objectives. The VLS faculty who specialize in 
in legal education. The college offers a lexible, in- 
in the nation. LLM candidates can choose among energy law are afiliated with the law school’s 
novative and practice-focused legal education to a concentrations in International Environmental Law, 
diverse, mature and highly motivated student body. highly respected Institute for Energy and the 
Natural Resources Law, and Pollution Prevention Environment, which offers students opportuni- 
Located in the heart of downtown Atlanta, Georgia and Abatement. Faculty assist LLM candidates in 
State Law is within walking distance of the state ties to do practical work in the energy ield and
developing programs of study that best meet their to meet and learn from energy experts who 
Capitol, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Cir- personal, academic, and career goals. With full- or 
collaborate on institute projects with VLS fac- 
cuit, lower federal courts, state appellate courts, part-time study options, candidates can advance ulty. Students in the LLM in Energy Law program 
county and city trial courts, state and federal gov- 
their education without delaying career plans.
participate in a special LLM seminar focusing on 
ernment agencies, major law irms, and corporate
advanced research topics in environmental and 
headquarters. The college is home to interdisciplin- 
energy law.
ary centers for health law, urban growth and con- 
lict resolution.

Our LLM program is designed to introduce foreign- 

trained lawyers to the U.S. legal system and to pro- 
vide the opportunity to take advanced courses in 

specialized areas of law, including intellectual prop- Vermont Law School
erty, health law, land use and urban growth and 164 Chelsea Street

conlict resolution. The program allows students to South Royalton, VT 05068 
focus their studies on the requirements necessary 
[email protected] 
to sit for a bar exam, including Georgia and New 802-831-1239
York. Both program tracks have skills-training op- 

tions. LL.M. candidates take courses along side our LLM IN AMERICAN LEGAL STUDIES
The LLM in American Legal Studies is designed for 
J.D. students.
Georgia State Law is nationally recognized for its students who hold a law degree from an institution 

lexible programs for full-time or part-time students outside the United States. It prepares internation- 
with day and evening classes. Full-time LL.M. stu- ally-trained lawyers to be eligible to take the New 

dents may complete the program in nine months. York and the Washington, D.C. bar exams. Stu- 
Part-time LL.M. students are expected to complete dents in the American Legal Studies LLM can also 

it within 24 months.
take advantage of our Academic Success Program 
For information about Georgia State Law’s LL.M. which provides workshops, student mentors, and 

Program for Foreign-Trained Lawyers,
faculty with career experience as attorneys to aid 
students in skills such as case brieing, outlining, or email the Ofice of Admissions at Your hiring partner
[email protected], or call 404-413-9200.
note–taking, legal writing, and exam preparation.

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