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S8 | MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2014 | Law Schools


I Did Everything Right . 

Where’s My Job?


opportunity, and you are at a critical juncture included on your resume. Be sure that your responses that explain why you do not yet 
in determining the future of your career. There cover letter is tailored to the position for have a job. Be truthful but not defeated or 
are many things that you can be doing to ind which you are applying—one size does not defensive in your responses. People will not 
that job! The following advice also holds true it all. (You must also have a irm grasp of want to help or hire you if you are unpleasant. 
G for more seasoned attorneys who are looking your documents’ content.) Your writing Do not let your frustration or any negative 
raduating from law school and taking for a career transition.
sample also should be completely error sentiments show.
the bar exam are huge accomplish- free and concise. Make sure you submit 
ments. However, many graduates reach
Make Your Papers Pristine
all of the requested documents to complete Get a New Perspective
these milestones without having received a the application and ensure that your can- 
post-grad job offer. Often new graduates feel First, to ind a job, you must have impec- didacy is considered. You need to put your Next, get out of the house! You may have 
defeated by a lack of employment. But, while cable documents. You have one chance to best foot forward. Perfect documents are a chuckled at this advice but many people 
dificult, it is not impossible to use that feel- make a irst impression; therefore, your required precursor to any interview.
spend their time applying to jobs online 

ing to your advantage. With challenge comes
resume and cover letter must be pristine. and then sit and wait to be contacted. Take 
That means they must be free of errors Adjust Your Mindset
a part-time position, do some goal-oriented 
(typographical and grammatical), concise pro bono work, and engage in “all in” network- 
JILL BACKER is associate director for employer rela- and tailored to the position you are seek- Second, your outlook and attitude matter. ing, which means reaching out to contacts in 
tions at Brooklyn Law School and co-chair of the ing. Cover letters are not easy to write, and Hearing “no” after all of your hard work is dif- all areas of your life.
NYCLA Lawyers in Transition Committee.
should not be a regurgitation of the facts
icult, but you must stay positive. Rehearse
While seeking permanent employment,

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