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S10 | MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 2014 | Law Schools

tice areas. This also creates a welcome Bar Association
While younger attorneys may be savvy 

environment for those students looking at networking via LinkedIn or Twitter, they 
for variety in their practice rather than also should be encouraged to engage in old 
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starting and ending their career in a single « Continued from page S6
fashioned, face-to-face networking where a 
might misunderstand conversations about practice area, and enhances their oppor- attorneys, newly- admitted attorneys and all chance encounter at a reception, a ques- 
alternatives to be implicit warnings of fail- tunities in a job market where changing practicing attorneys.
tion at a Section meeting or a phone call 
ure within the irm. Students shared, and employers and careers happens more fre- to a stranger they sat with at a CLE can 
often continue to share, similar concerns quently. And, of course, everyone has to lead to longtime professional and personal 
that expressing interest in alternatives be more open to talking about options.
Law Students
implied a rejection of the practice of law What then are some ideas to assist law “Law schools should serve law students, As well as networking opportunities with 

at a irm and would engender reciprocal students and young lawyers achieve a not professors or the practicing bar, but law fellow State Bar members (who practice in 
rejection or abandonment by the irm.
new success equilibrium with law irms? students,” said Rebecca Love Kourlis, former all 50 states, the District of Columbia and 
Both of these views ignore the reality First, there is an increased need for law Chief Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court, 120 countries), our newly-admitted members 
of what a legal career is or can be, and students and young lawyers to take con- who delivered the keynote address at the May receive $1,700 in tangible beneits—such as 
the approach has to change. From the trol of their own careers. Recognizing the Convocation. She now directs the Institute Fastcase, CLIO, discounted CLE courses, life 
beginning of a legal career, when associ- wide variety of options now existing in the for the Advancement of the Legal System.
insurance and, in near future, a way to con- 
ates line up their summer jobs and con- legal marketplace means also recognizing The irst step toward serving law students, solidate law school loans.
sider their post-graduate options, they that a good navigation system is required she suggests: “Figure out what law students 

should also consider how they plan to to take advantage of those options. Sec- need to learn to be successful lawyers. Begin Experienced Practicing Attorneys
develop. Firms need to shoulder their ond, while there has always been a need with what they need to know at the end of 
burden of training and mentoring young for honest and frequent feedback, this is law school. What a concept!”
The legal profession has changed vastly 
lawyers along any of the number of paths even more important in today’s law irms. That’s an area where the 75,000-member since the days when Dictaphones and sec- 
they may take. Just as firms have begun It should not be frowned upon to recognize New York State Bar Association can offer retaries were commonplace. Attorneys now 
to focus more regularly on skills other that not every work environment is right expertise. Our members know what it takes must master technologies like email, smart- 
than legal research and drafting, includ- for every lawyer at every point in his or to be a successful lawyer. This fall, we will phones and e-iling that can reduce costs 
ing marketing, thought leadership and her career. Finally, strengthening the rela- unveil a pilot program for students at selected but increase client expectations. These 
team development, they must also focus tionship between a irm’s recruiting and law schools. It will provide free membership technologies pose ethical questions about 

on preparing those interested for careers professional development departments is to the State Bar; access to our publications, client conidentiality. The State Bar Associa- 
in the public sector, in-house, or even in essential. Whether the law irm assists in practice-area sections and online communi- tion endeavors to keep its members informed 
business apart from the practice of law. developing lawyers for a long term career ties; networking, coaching and mentoring about how to handle such ethical concerns.
Also, where firms may have been inclined within the law irm or assists lawyers in opportunities; programs on demystifying The new technologies, which also 
in the past to have more siloed practice inding the right path outside of the law the bar exam, alternative careers and other reduce the need for secretaries and other 
groups to better serve their client’s siloed irm, understanding a student’s or young topics; and debt consolidation.
support staff, make it easier to start a 
business units, there is an increased need lawyer’s goals from the inception of the solo or small law firm. Running a small 
for lawyers to be more flexible in their recruitinFRgIDprAoYc,eSsEsPaTnEMd BthErRo2u7g,h2o0u1t3thI 4ei9r business requires attorneys to deal with 
practice and for associates, in particular, law irm career will be important for the Newly-Admitted Attorneys
finances, human resources and market- 

to be more well-rounded and capable of long-term success of both the irm and the The debate over how to create “practice ing—skills not taught in law school. 
shifting between work in different prac-
ready” attorneys hinges on who should bear To help legal entrepreneurs hang out 
the responsibility: law schools or employers.
a shingle (including recent law school 
In recent years, law irms have been less graduates) or improve how they manage 
willing to train newly-minted attorneys, existing firms, the State Bar Association 
Basic Rules
summer associate program, “B” sought out because clients object to subsidizing the offers a variety of resources in law prac- 
the attorneys she had worked with, thanked costs. The irms argue that the law schools tice management.
them for the opportunity to work at the irm, should instill their graduates with more We also recognize that a legal career 
Continued from page S5
and asked if there was anything additional practical skills. However, clinics and other can have multiple phases. Litigators 
on a senior associate. One of the partners that could be done on their projects before forms of experiential learning are expensive, change ields. Mothers—and sometimes 
complained to the recruiting staff that “A” the end of the program.
contributing to law school tuition costs and fathers—seek to return to the workforce. 
wore sandals to a meeting with a client. At a Needless to say, Summer Associate “B” the debt load of graduates.
Older attorneys at small irms want to turn 
recent gathering of senior associates, they got the offer. Why? Because she added value Both law schools and employers can play over their practices to someone younger 
joked about “A’s” use of “text-speak” in emails to the team by working hard, being proac- critical roles in developing “practice ready” who will share their commitment to their 
to partners. In contrast, Summer Associate tive, and acting professionally. While Sum- attorneys. The law schools are better posi- clients. Partners look for meaningful careers 
“B” arrived to the ofice around 8:30 each mer Associate “A” may be a nice person and tioned to teach general skills, such as how to after “retiring” from large irms. We offer 
morning and got immediately to work. On may have good grades, she took value away take a deposition, while the employers can resources for these “lawyers in transition”— 

one occasion, an emergency TRO application from the organization through sloppy work better focus on skills unique to practice areas.
CLEs, publications and, most importantly, 
arrived late on a Thursday afternoon. She product and unprofessionalism.
Additionally, the State Bar Association a chance to interact with other attorneys 
canceled her evening plans and volunteered The key to passing the summer-long job offers a number of ways to help new law- who are making or have made life-altering 
to stay with a litigation partner and associate interview is actually pretty simple: Appear yers, make the transition from classroom to professional transitions.
to draft a response. Her work was impeccable. happy and passionate about your work, be courtroom. Our popular, two-day, “Bridging My law school education provided a 
Her emails were professionally written. As anxious to learn, and demonstrate that you the Gap” CLE program features experienced foundation for my career. My classroom 
a result, partners began asking the recruit- can be relied upon to get things done.
practitioners who offer advice on a broad education continues with continuing legal 
ing coordinator if “B” could be assigned to We wish all prospective associates a happy array of topics, such as the basics of draft- education programs. However, I also recog- 
their projects. During the last week of the
and productive journey.
ing a will, e-discovery, employment law and nize Mark Twain’s wisdom: “I have never let 

my schooling interfere with my education.” I 
Based on my personal experience, joining have learned so much about law from other 
a bar association, whether the New York State lawyers who generously have shared their 
Bar Association or a local bar, is a shrewd knowledge, experience and advice with me. I 
decision at all stages of an attorney’s career. met many of them through my activities with 
Bar associations, I believe, make better law- the State Bar Association, as well as local bar 
yers by fostering opportunities to interact associations.
with colleagues and learn from them in ways My advice to law students as well as 

not always available in a normal practice set- newly admitted and experienced attorneys 
ting. Law irms traditionally have recognized is become active in a bar association. And my 
the advantages of bar membership. Regret- request to law irms is to support your new 
tably, today, some irms, facing economic lawyers in doing so. We have so much we 
pressures, are not willing to give younger can learn from each other, which will make 
lawyers the time to participate fully in the bar.
us all better attorneys.

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