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NYLJ.COM | Partnership | MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2014 | S7

sure to convey some interest and a viable
ships with existing clients because you do 
explanation for a potential move.
work for the same clients, let them know. If 
you are a corporate partner who spins off 

What Is Your Business Plan, Really?
litigation work, don’t just evaluate the firm’s 
litigation capabilities—make sure you focus 
Generally speaking, when a partner can- on this as a selling point for your candidacy 
didate is submitted to a firm, the submis- as well. Highlight your substantive experi- 
sion typically provides a brief overview of ence, your entrepreneurial spirit and your 
the partner’s projected portables, without historical track record of originations. As a 
an explanation regarding how that projec- partner who may be used to being in charge 
tion was derived. A good business plan that and having others impress you, it may not 
pin-points the matters corresponding to the come naturally to sell your abilities in this 
We are pleased to announce 
numbers is invaluable. Not only does it allow way. As with any position, regardless of level 
a prospective firm to more properly evaluate the promotion of the following or industry, it’s important that you act like you 
the business case for your hire, but it shows want the job and you’re the best candidate 
that you are serious about this process and attorneys:
for it. Anything less than that will result in 
about potentially joining the firm, and that the perception (real or not) that you have 
you are entrepreneurial and pro-active—all wasted the interviewer’s time. Those meeting 
very attractive characteristics in a potential Cheryl D. Barnes
you will form an impression of you based on 
lateral partner.
your time together—not on your pedigree.
A strong business plan also enables you Capital Markets, Washington
to determine whether and how your practice Is This How You Approach Potential Clients?
and your clients will be integrated into the Dean C. Berry
firm. Integration should be one of the most As a partner with a portable practice, your 
important considerations of any partner look- Partner client relationships are arguably one of your 
ing to make a move; nothing is more frustrat- Private Client, New York
most attractive attributes. Firms want to feel 
ing than moving to join a team and finding comfortable about your approach to estab- 
you are a solo player. Tony White, the hiring David Burkholder
lishing and maintaining strong client relation- 
partner at Thompson Hine, explains:
ships, and they get some sense of that through 
your interaction during the interview. How 
Capital Markets, Charlotte
well you connect with the interviewer not 
As a partner with a portable prac- only reinforces the numbers you present to 
Scott A. Cammarn
the prospective firm, but it also gives them 
tice, your client relationships are Partner confidence that you have the skills to suc- 
arguably one of your most attrac- cessfully attract additional business and that 
Financial Services, Charlotte
they can put you in front of their own clients. 
tive attributes.
According to Jim Jalil, a member of Thompson 
Holly Marcille Chamberlain
Hine’s Executive Committee:

Partner When I meet with a potential candidate, 
As a firm, we are extremely dedicated to Corporate, Charlotte
I think about how their presentation 
integrating new partners as quickly and and personality would come across to 
thoroughly as possible—we understand Nathan M. Bull
a client. If they strike me as impressive, 
this is the best route for our mutual suc- mature, personable, knowledgeable and 
cess, and our well-honed formal integra- Special Counsel trustworthy, that gives me a great deal of 
tion program allows us to accomplish just Litigation, New York
confidence in their ability to attract and 

that. When I meet a partner candidate Sophie K. Cuthbertson
maintain client relationships.
with a well-thought-out business plan, I 
can instantly incorporate that plan into Special Counsel Treat each interviewer as you would a 
our program and begin outlining cross- Capital Markets, Washington
client. Keep up your end of the conversa- 
marketing opportunities before the can- tion by asking and answering questions. A 
didate has even joined us.
Douglas J. Donahue
surprising number of candidates spend their 
first meeting doing almost all the talking, and 
What Can You Do for Your Prospective Firm?
Special Counsel while a heightened amount of self-orientation 
is understandable, too much will override 
Attractive candidates likely will have Financial Services, New York
your attempts to build credibility and trust. 

numerous suitors interested in them, and Brian Foster
Interviewers will appreciate hearing from you 
for such candidates, as well as for those not Special Counsel and learning about your practice, but if they 
necessarily committed to making a move, it’s find themselves struggling to get a word in 
easy to fall into the mode of making the firms Financial Services, New York
edgewise, they will be concerned about the 
sell themselves to you. But it’s important to strength of your relationships.
remember that the interview process is a Ellen Halstead
Be ready to share information in a forth- 
two-way street, and regardless of your level right manner. No one will expect you to have 
of interest or perceived opportunities, you Special Counsel all of your statistical data memorized, but if 
always want to put your best foot forward. Litigation, New York
you aren’t able or willing to speak candidly 

A firm you were only vaguely interested in Jeffrey Nagle
about your work, both currently and histori- 
at the outset may become your front run- cally, your interviewers may be concerned 
ner, but you’ll never get that opportunity if Special Counsel about what you’re not telling them and about 
you’re perceived as disinterested. And even Corporate, Charlotte
how your presentation would come across 
should you decide to rule certain firms out, to a discerning client.
you never know when or in what context your Show them that you are a valued, trusted 
paths will cross again. While it’s important 2013
adviser—the kind whose clients will follow 
to understand what different firms can offer them anywhere they go because they so 

you (does anyone have work on the table Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP appreciate the relationship.
for you to do, are they looking to introduce
you to a particular client right away, can they What Can You Tell Me?
offer you a leadership role, etc.), make sure 
you are transparent about what you bring to A fair number of interviews conclude with 
the table. If you can strengthen firm relation-
the interviewer asking the candi-	» Page S13

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