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NYLJ.COM | Partnership | MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2014 | S9

may impact their ability to attend; invitations
attorneys within 30 days of their arrival at invited to informal lunches, dinners, other achievements of diverse and women attor- 
that encourage guests to bring their wives, the firm to offer advice and guidance on how social events or client meetings.
neys, both externally and internally; and
instead of partners or significant others; or to succeed at the firm;
This lack of social interaction and connec- • Inviting diverse and women attorneys to 

firm invitations that ignore other holidays • Expressing gratitude for contributions tion with the firm creates an unwelcome and participate in business development efforts.
celebrated during the “Christmas” season).
made by diverse and women attorneys who often perceived, hostile work environment for 
For partners looking to combat micro- worked on a recent matter;
those who are not invited to participate and Conclusion
inequities, the first step is to understand • Providing immediate feedback on an feel isolated. There a number of ways to elimi- 
what micro-inequities are and how they attorneys performance during a recently nate social isolation, but as with unconscious As an increasing number of corporate law 
are manifested. Again, training by a certi- completed matter (if the feedback is not all bias, formal training by a certified diversity departments require more diversity among 
fied diversity consultant on this issue can positive, be sure to express your continued and inclusion expert, would be an important the law firm attorneys staffed on their mat- 
be a very valuable exercise. In addition to belief in the attorney’s ability and map out first step in providing firm partners with the ters, the success of diversity and inclusion 
training, there are concrete steps that can a definitive plan on how to remedy any per- tools and information they need to mentor efforts in the law firm environment will be 

be taken to help eliminate micro-inequities formance issues); and
and develop associates across different races, measured not only by the number of diverse 
from the workplace environment. Mary • Encouraging attorneys to share their cultures and genders.
and women attorneys at a firm, but also by 
Rowe, the MIT professor who coined the opinions and analysis, especially in those In addition to participating in diversity the quality of experience and professional 
term micro-inequities in 1973, recommends instances where they appear to be reluctant and sensitivity training programs, there are development of such attorneys. To that end, 
employing “micro-affirmations” to combat to do so and you are relatively certain that concrete steps that every partner can take to it is important to understand the concepts of 
micro-inequities. Micro-affirmations are acts they have something of value to contribute.
limit the occurrence of social isolation in the unconscious bias, micro-inequities and social 
that convey a message of respect, inclu- law firm environment. These steps include:
isolation because they are more than theo- 
sion and a sincere interest in promoting • Encouraging diverse and women attor- retical for those who experience their impact 
Social Isolation
and supporting the success of others. Rowe neys to take active roles in specialty bar on a daily basis. They have a profound effect 
describes them as “tiny acts of opening One of the more pernicious effects of associations;
on professional confidence, performance and 
doors to opportunity, gestures of inclu- unconscious bias and micro-inequities on • Recommending diverse and women attor- career trajectory. As a result, a critical compo- 
sion ... graceful acts of listening and other diverse and women attorneys is social isola- neys to serve (i) on a not-for-profit boards, nent of any diversity and inclusion program 
acts which are often ephemeral and hard tion. Recent studies and surveys have found (ii) as a CLE presenter or (iii) as a leader in must include a sustained focus on integrating, 
to see, events that are public and private, that the most critical factor affecting attrition/ firm management;
engaging and mentoring more diverse and 
often unconscious but very effective, which retention among diverse and women associ- • Encouraging all attorneys to attend net- women attorneys. That focus should begin 
occur wherever people wish to help others ates, particularly at large law firms, is social working functions geared toward diverse and now as the new year begins and individual 
to succeed” (Micro-Affirmations & Micro- isolation (2012, Research Group on Diversity women attorneys;
goals are being set for 2014. Firm leaders, 

Inequities, Mary Rowe, MIT, 2008).
in the Legal Profession of the American Bar • Developing mentoring relationships with including partners from the most senior ranks 
Examples of micro-affirmations in the law Association). Social isolation occurs when attorneys of a different gender, race, ethnicity, to the newly minted, must all contribute to 
firm environment include:
attorneys do not feel any meaningful con- or sexual orientation;
this effort if meaningful cultural change is 
• Avoiding the micro-inequities listed nection to their firm’s community, other than • Inviting diverse and women attorneys to be achieved.
above in daily interactions with diverse and as an employee. Factors that contribute to to a non-work-related event and introduce How will you support and help diverse 
women attorneys;
social isolation, in addition to micro-inequi- them to others in your professional network;
and/or women attorneys at your firm reach 
• Reaching out to diverse and women
ties, include, not being mentored, not being
• Publicizing the accomplishments and
their career goals in 2014?


Charlotte Jacobsen




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