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NYLJ.COM | Partnership | MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2014 | S5


Continued from page 3
Leticia Ossa-Daza. Gartner, Willkie’s co-chair, 
said while diversity is considered during part- 
nership discussions, it is not dispositive of 
the analysis.
Ossa-Daza grew up in Colombia, joined 
Willkie in Paris and came to the New York 
office in 2006.
“I was made partner because I am a 

smart and skilled lawyer,” she said. “Asso- is pleased to announce that
ciates are made partner because they are 
smart lawyers not just because of other 
demographic characteristics.” She said the 
qualities that led to her promotion were 
teamwork, client responsiveness and hard 
work, which doesn’t necessarily mean work- B L. B
ing every weekend.
L & A
“You need to find the right balance and you ITIGATIONPPEALS
need to love what you do,” said Ossa-Daza, a 
mother to a six-year-old daughter.
At Quinn Emanuel, Calamari said candi- 
dates’ demographics are not considered. “We MATTHEW V. SPERO
are very talent oriented,” he said.
Lilienfeld at Shearman also said gender is CORPORATE & COMMERCIAL 
not considered. The firm evaluates internal 
performance reviews, feedback from clients 

and, increasingly, business development and have been elected Partners
client retention skills, she said.
“It’s a level playing field, whether you’re 
a woman, man or ethnic minority," she said. 
Two of Shearman’s seven new partners, 
about 28 percent, are women this year. She 
said it’s “a fantastic statistic” compared to 
about 20 years ago when she started practic- 
ing law. “There’s always room for improve- 

ment both in the profession and at any 
particular law firm. It starts with a culture 
of inclusion and I think firms including our 
firm, are more focused on this issue than ever
before,” Lilienfeld said. 
Lilienfeld said women in-house counsel are
increasingly making purchase decisions on 555 Madison Avenue	926 RXR Plaza 21 Main Street, Court Plaza South 
law firm spend. “It’s hard to pitch to a general 26th Floor	Uniondale, New York 11556
West Wing, Suite 158 

counsel, who is a woman, with a team of only New York, New York 10022	516.357.3000 Hackensack, New Jersey 07901 
men,” she said.


Total new partner classes at 13 firms January 2014
increased last year, some returning to 2011 
levels or near them.
The number of new partners firmwide at all

24 firms totaled about 307, almost even from 
the number in 2012. In 2011 they promoted 
348 firm-wide.
White & Case, which spiked to 28 partner 
promotions in 2012, dropped to 18 in 2013, 
near its 2011 new partner levels. Jones Day 
promoted 34 to partner, 11 fewer than the 
previous two years.
At Sidley Austin, new partner classes firm- Turn your good press into great marketing!

wide dropped to 24 in 2013 from 26 in 2012 Order your reprints as published in the New York Law Journal today. Contact 347-227-3176 or [email protected].
and 33 in 2011. Sidley executive committee Reprints are designed in collaboration with you. Reprints are available for rankings, individual verdicts, compilations, and more. Our full suite of products are powerful and versatile to meet your 
partners Steven Bierman and Samir Gandhi business needs, in print and digitally. Let us help you leverage this great press.
said the number of promotions is not a direct 
result of the market. “We take a longer view,” 
Bierman said.
“It’s not really ‘times are good, so we’re Pr
going to make tons of partners.’ We look at Hard Copy 
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p p
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each individual and how they’re going to inte- E-Prints
grate into the office” and the firm’s culture, 
Gandhi said.
|Christine Simmons can be contacted at 
[email protected] and on Twitter @ chlsimmons.

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