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You've got a tough job, and we're here to help.

New York Lawyer is an online career guide for young lawyers. Backed by the resources and reputation of the 113-year-old New York Law Journal � the daily newspaper of the state's legal community � our web site is updated daily with exclusive news and information to help you navigate the new rules of practicing law in the world's most important legal market.

We drop into firms (and other legal employers) to see what significant changes are lurking there; visit with real-life lawyers to see how they�re coping, changing, and actively pursuing their dreams; talk to experts in a range of related fields to get both answers and inspiration; look at the impact of technology; dip into personal finance; and because this is New York � potentially the world's most satisfying city, but often its most frustrating � we describe how to take advantage of the pleasures of the city during your unbillable hours.

Every day, our site is updated with the following fresh content:

  • A daily advice column written by the city�s top experts, covering topics such as:
  • How to find a new law firm job.
  • How to explore alternative careers, like going in-house, working in government, or leaving the law entirely.
  • How to balance your professional and personal lives.
  • The News Watch, summarizing the latest stories about salaries, law firms and prominent New York lawyers, drawn from New York Law Journal, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and other media.

  • A piece of Brain Candy, like our weekly online poll, a cool new web site, or a legal cartoon from the New Yorker. Just because we take your career seriously, doesn't mean we have to be humorless.
  • And if you're can't visit the site every day, we've got you covered. We'll send you our free Daily Buzz e-mail newsletter, featuring summaries of today's fresh content.

    How your career unfolds � where it takes you, what opportunities it presents � is in your hands. And while that might be good news, it doesn�t come without some hard challenges and awesome responsibilities.

    Like we said, you've got a tough job, and we're here to help.


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