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S2 | MONDAY, APRIL 4, 2016 | Intellectual Property

By Catherine Holland

Trademark Licensing:

Social Media and Quality Control

Trademark licensors are scrambling to 

keep up with the evolving use of social 
media as a tool for business advertis- 
ing. As technology changes, so must the 
provisions in a trademark license.
A fundamental tenet of trademark law is 
that the trademark owner must control the 
use of her mark. This is fairly simple when 
the trademark owner sets up her own shop 
and does her own advertising.

Quality control can become more chal- 
lenging when the owner licenses others to 
manufacture goods or offer services using 
her mark. In those situations the owner must 
have a licensing agreement which contains 
quality control provisions and the right to 
terminate the agreement if the licensee does 
not comply with those provisions.
If there is no quality control, it is called 

a “naked license.” As intriguing as this con- 
cept sounds, it might be more appropriate 
to call it a “kiss of death license.” A licensor 
could lose all of her rights in a trademark 
if she has not controlled her licensee’s use 
of her trademark. This means that anyone, 
including her licensee, can use the mark 
freely without paying royalties to the former 

trademark owner. Brrrrrr. No licensor wants 
to be on that particular nude beach.
An equally serious problem is that a 
licensee’s unsupervised use of a mark in

CATHERINE J. HOLLAND is a partner at Knobbe Mar- 
tens in Orange County, Calif. She is experienced in all 
aspects of domestic and international trademark, 

unfair competition and copyright matters.

S6 S8 S10

Breaking Down Head in the Cloud:
From Eficient Licensing
Post-Grant Proceedings 
Four Big Changes The Insider Threat
To Eficient
Complicate Pharmaceutical 

In Patent Litigation To a Company’s Trade Secrets Infringement
by Michael A. Jacobs by Bradley A. Hoppe
by David Kappos, Richard Ludwin by A. Antony Pfeffer
and Richard S.J. Hung
and Heath J. Szymczak
and Marc Ehrlich
and Catrina Wanning Wang

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Editor-In-Chief: Kris Fischer; Sections Editor: Angela Turturro; Design: Monika Kozak; Illustrations: Bigstock, iStock |
© 2016 ALM Media Properties, LLC

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