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Intellectual Property | MONDAY, APRIL 4, 2016 | S5
a permissive deinition of where a defen- ing product or process falls outside the
Law Journal Press
The Next Generation in Legal Research
dant “resides” allows plaintiffs to ile suit literal language of a patent claim. For a
in just about any district they choose. But decade, the doctrine of equivalents was
New York amendments to the venue statute made in in eclipse, partly because lawyers didn’t
Motion Practice the Federal Courts Jurisdiction and Venue know how to develop it, and partly because
Handbook & Forms
Clariication Act of 2011 arguably nullify VE the Federal Circuit made it so dificult to
Connecticut Florida Holding and restrict venue to a narrower assert. But it’s now creeping into more
Employment Afirmative Defenses and Procedural set of permissible locations.
cases. And because the doctrine presents
l a. Coh
library of D California
with FOrms
If the Federal Circuit inds that its prec- issues of fact, juries often are needed to
insurance defense
edent from 1990 still stands, plaintiffs likely weigh in.
Pamela J. moore
Coddington, HiCks & danfortH
r. Wardell loveland, randolpH s. HiCks, riCHard g. grotCH, and Hyon M. kientzy, Joshua B. spector paul D. turner
will continue to have the upper hand in Another issue that could continue to
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venue ights. Under that scenario, corporate drive more trials is divergent views on
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defendants will have to pin their hopes on damages. While damages have always been
Congress if they want to change the venue important in patent cases, the numbers
Law Journal Press is well-known for publishing over 150 award-winning print and digital editions on a broad range of rules.
seem to keep getting bigger, and often, so
federal legal and business topics. Did you know we also have state-speciic publications and solutions?
But if the court reverses itself, the does the gulf between damages claimed by has regional book titles in various areas of law for the following states:
consequences for the practice of patent a plaintiff and those estimated by a defen-
litigation will be far reaching. At the very dant. While courts have applied stricter
• California • Florida • New Jersey • Pennsylvania
Connecticut • Georgia • New York • Texas
least, expect to see patent litigation cluster “gatekeeping” standards on competing
in districts where industries are heavily damages presentations, damages remain
concentrated—and away from the Eastern essentially a jury question. And so there District of Texas.
will continue to be patent trials, and oppor-
Visit us today at tunities for trial training.
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Patent Trial Lawyers of the Future?
120 Broadway 5th Floor | New York, NY | 10271 | 877-807-8076
Patent jury trials, once a dependable It’s Complicated
feature in the practice of patent law, are Practicing patent litigation today is often
facing signiicant threats. For one, we see like playing multi-dimensional chess. It’s
more and more cases decided on motions. not enough to know your next move in one
On top of that, of course, is the inter partes case. You have to see the whole board of
review process that was initiated in 2012 litigation, which increasingly includes
as a fast and more eficient way to chal- multiple suits and multiple fora spanning
lenge the validity of a patent than in federal multiple countries.
The pharmaceutical industry has long
In some respects, fewer trials is a wel- been familiar with the internationalization
come development. It may signal that of patent litigation. For decades, pharma-
the patent system is becoming more ceutical companies have iled for patents
in jurisdictions around the world and stood
But we in the patent trial bar often by ready to defend them if needed.
wonder: Where will the next generation But as other countries have realized the
of patent trial lawyers come from? For importance of patent enforcement, more
years, patent cases represented some of industries are being affected. Today, for
the best opportunities for young lawyers example, we see non-practicing entities
to get experience presenting arguments and filing patent litigation in Germany and
cross-examining live witnesses. But those the United Kingdom because they want
opportunities may not be as plentiful in to diversify their litigation strategies and
the future. Like some other irms, Morri- because they see opportunities in other New Book!
son & Forester is seeking trial training for jurisdictions. A new layer of complexity
our young attorneys by seconding them to and additional strategic questions will
district attorneys’ ofices and other govern- appear when the Uniied Patent Court of United States Export Controls (7th Edition)
ment agencies.
the European Union opens.
Despite the pressures on patent trials, The increasing number of important
we see at least a couple of factors that may jurisdictions puts a premium on having a by John R. Liebman, Roszel C. Thomsen, II and James E. Bartlett, III
push cases to trial in the short term. The global strategy. The most effective teams
irst is the doctrine of equivalents, which are able to harmonize companies’ positions
seems to be making a comeback after a across continents. On the other hand, a
long dormant period.
clever adversary can take advantage of a Special Offer
The doctrine allows a party to be liable disorganized party. And that can cause a Save 25%
Enforcement of export laws and regulations
for patent infringement even if the infring-
serious hangover.
Print/Online/eBook is not just a theoretical concern. Penalties
can include heavy ines, debarment
from contracting with the United States
government, imprisonment, and withdrawal
of the privilege of exporting.
Practicing patent litigation today is often like
playing multi-dimensional chess. It’s not enough
AvAilABle iN priNt/oNliNe/eBook editioNs.
to know your next move in one case. You have to
For more information or to order this book visit
see the whole board of litigation, which increasingly
or call (877) 807-8076. Use Promo Code 545997 when ordering to receive your discount.
includes multiple suits and multiple fora spanning
multiple countries.
120 Broadway 5th Floor | New York, NY | 10271 | 877-807-8076