Page 4 - Alternative Dispute Resolution
P. 4

S4 | MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2016 | Alternative Dispute Resolution | NYLJ.COM

Maximizing Efectiveness 
Your Client’s 

In Mediation


This article explores ways that clients can tion. However, there are several issues to of the client’s interests in the dispute, mean- 
be more involved in a mediation, including discuss and consider with your client.
ing why they want what they want.
U in pre-mediation planning and at the ses- The following story demonstrates how 
nlike in many phases of litigation, media- sion itself. Ideally, clients should be just as Pre-Mediation Planning With Your Client
powerful this can be: A plaintiff in a media- 
tion is a process in which clients can invested and engaged in the mediation pro- tion of a claim against a nursing home told 
participate. But what actually happens
cess as they are in their claims or defenses in Help clients identify their interests, not his attorney that he wanted a million dollars 
at the mediation? In many cases, when law- a given case. The lawyer plays a critical role only their positions. How can lawyers help and nothing less to settle his claim against 
yers spend a lot of time discussing the merits in this regard, not only in preparing a client their clients prepare for mediation? Whether the home, whose poor care of his mother 
of their client’s legal theories and settlement for mediation, but also in orchestrating the it is court-ordered or a voluntary mediation, allegedly caused her death. However, there 
strategies with the mediator, the client is left right role and involvement for her client at it is critical that the client understands that was no chance that the nursing home was 

sitting on the sidelines.
the session.
mediation involves a compromise. The ten- going to pay a million dollars, as the evi- 
It goes without saying that every case has sion is that the client has hired the lawyer to dence did not clearly establish that the 
different dynamics and different players, and be her zealous advocate, and is now being home’s treatment of the mother, who was 
ROBIN H. GISE is a JAMS neutral based in New York. there is no formula for client involvement. told that she will be asked to walk away with already quite ill, resulted in her death. When 
She specializes in mediating business/commercial, Indeed, there may be cases where the client something less than desired. To that end, part pressed by his attorney on why he wanted 
employment, insurance and construction disputes.
should have less involvement at the media-
of the preparation should include a discussion
a million dollars, the client admitted that

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