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Alternative Dispute Resolution | MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014 | S3
international arbitration world, on April 5-7, versity of Miami headed up by world renown
2014, Miami will host the “World Cup” con- arbitrator, counsel and academic, Jan Pauls-
ference on international arbitration: the bi- son. The Institute was founded in 2014 to
annual ICCA Congress (International Council support scholarship focused on international
for Commercial Arbitration), with over 1,000 arbitration; provide professional training to
international arbitration practitioners expect- legal practitioners, academics, and judges;
ed to attend. The ICCA Congress has been support data-gathering in the field; and do
held in the United States only once before, so with special focus on Latin America and
in 1986, in New York City.
the Caribbean. The Institute also supports
Although New York has long been recognized as the most popular
U.S. venue for international arbitrations, Miami has come a long
way in establishing itself as the second most popular venue in the
United States.
Both cities share many features that make the LLM offered specifically in international
them attractive to parties when venue des- arbitration at the University of Miami.
ignation is considered and stipulated in an In 2013, during a span of a little over two
arbitration clause. Paramount among these months, both New York and Miami took simi-
desired features is that each city has a com- lar, important steps in support of the infra-
mitted group of arbitration professionals who structure for international arbitration. First
seek to promote an active, favorable environ- in New York, on Sept. 16, 2013, and later in
ment for international arbitration.
Miami on Dec. 3, 2013, the local judiciaries
For example, with the assistance of 37 created specific International Commercial
“founding firms,” the New York International Arbitration (ICA) subsections to handle all
Your hiring partner
Arbitration Center (NYIAC) was created in international arbitration cases that arise in
2013. It was an idea born from a 2010 New their respective jurisdictions, including those
York State Bar Association task force on New brought under the state arbitration statutes
York Law in International Matters. Although or under the FAA. Very few such specialized
NYIAC does not administer arbitrations, it courts exist worldwide, including courts in
provides state-of-the-art arbitration hearing Paris and London.
facilities open to anyone in need of hearing In creating the ICA subsections, the local
rooms. In addition, NYIAC develops educa- judiciaries recognized that international com-
tional programs about international arbitra- mercial arbitration is a specialized area of law
tion in New York and the application of New and that designating trained judges to hear
York law in international arbitration.
all international commercial arbitration mat-
Similarly, in 2008, the professional commu- ters would foster greater judicial expertise
nity in Miami created the Miami International and understanding of this area of law, would
Arbitration Society (MIAS), the express pur- lead to more uniformity in legal decisions, Turn your good press into great marketing!
pose of which is to promote the use of inter- and would help establish a consistent body
Order your reprints as published in the NewYork Law Journal today.
national arbitration and mediation and selec- of case law. To this end, the judges assigned Contact 347-227-3176 or [email protected].
tion of Miami as the situs for international to these subsections will have experience
arbitration proceedings for both commercial handling complex commercial matters and
and investor-state disputes (those granting a will receive specialized judicial education
foreign investor the right to initiate dispute in the handling of international commercial Reprints are designed in collaboration with you. Reprints are available
proceedings against a foreign government). arbitration (the ICA judges).
for rankings, individual verdicts, compilations, and more. Our full suite
MIAS is the host organization for the ICCA The need to educate judges about interna-
2014 Congress. Comparable to NYIAC, MIAS tional arbitration was acknowledged in 2012 of products are powerful and versatile to meet your business needs,
does not actually administer arbitrations.
by the Federal Judicial Center, which released in print and digitally. Let us help you leverage this great press.
However, in contrast to NYIAC, MIAS does its “International Commercial Arbitration: A
not provide hearing rooms for arbitrations. Guide for U.S. Judges,” noting that “although Product Examples:
Instead, it concentrates its efforts to promote U.S. federal courts across the country are seeing
arbitration-favorable legislation and academic an ever-increasing number of cases associated
programs at area universities and local inter- with international commercial arbitration, few
national arbitration conferences, and it hosts judges are familiar with this unique and com-
bi-monthly lectures with leading academics, plicated area of law.” As noted, a dedicated
arbitrators, and institutions. Toward this end, arbitration judge or court is likely to be more
MIAS successfully lobbied the legislature of aware of the specific and complex issues that
the state of Florida to adopt the UNCITRAL arise in the arbitration context, and can con-
Model Law, without reservations. Although tribute to a consistent body of law.
the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §1 et seq. New York and Miami also share certain
(FAA) preempts a substantial portion of any intrinsic advantages as venues for inter-
state law regarding arbitration, the adoption national arbitration. Each can boast about
of the Model Law may be of assistance and being a great international city with leading Hard
d Copy Reprints E-Prints Plaques
relevance regarding procedural matters where professionals and institutions. If needed, a
the FAA is silent. More importantly, it signals party can find a neutral arbitrator in either
to the international arbitration community city that is not a U.S. national, thus facilitat-
that Florida has the most sophisticated and ing the ability to find a chair of a tribunal or
international arbitration friendly legislation a sole arbitrator when one of the parties is
in the world.
based in the United States.
In addition to MIAS, Miami now has an Cost is another advantage when consider-
international arbitration institute at the Uni-
ing the value of currency: The » Page S10