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S12 | MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014 | Alternative Dispute Resolution | NYLJ.COM
Mediators +
Mediators + More brings Unusual Subject Matter Expertise to
Alternative Dispute Resolution’s Most Rapidly Growing Areas
Many fine judges and other generalist meditators are available through the standard alternative dispute
resolution provider organizations. But our Mediators + More group is probably unique in its ability to match
mediators with high level substantive knowledge and experience to your specific business and/or personal
dispute resolution needs. Check out our members’ credentials and backgrounds for yourself at the above website.
Norman Solovay
Founding Member
Mark J. Maged Co-Founder
A “reformed litigator,” Norman is now settling disputes through me- Following a successful career as corporate partner of a well known
diation and Collaborative Law. He has become known for utilizing
Med-Arb, a “hybrid” combination of mediation and arbitration suited law firm, Mark achieved broad business experience as CEO of a major
for resolving disputes using interest-based settlement negotiations but international financial banking institution, board member of various
where a final resolution is essential and for obtaining arbitration awards companies and Chairman of a leading information technology company
before becoming a trained mediator focusing on resolution of commer-
enforceable under the NY Convention at a fraction of the time and cial disputes and the development of creative business solutions.
cost of typical international arbitrations.
Rick Alimonti
Barry Peter J.
The first person to be twice
selected to head the ABA’s
The founder of Berkman An adjunct ADR law profes- Section of Litigation Com- After serving as a distin-
Bottger Newman & Rodd, a sor and corporate attorney mittee on Aviation Litiga- guished Professor and Vice
leading family and divorce with years of experience tion. Rick heads a firm that Dean at her alma mater, Co-
law firm, Barry is renowned Peter mediates cable, has been dealing since 1990 lumbia Law School, Vivian
for mediating difficult broadcast and new media related disputes.
with all aspects of tort and other claims against has gone on to successfully mediate hundreds
divorces and other family disputes.
of varied employment-related disputes.
aviation clients.
Chris Stern James Periconi
Melanie L. Steve
A leading environmental
An independent and lead- law practitioner first in gov- A former Chief Bankruptcy A lawyer with unusually
ing health care/medical ernment and then in private Judge (EDNY), [our only broad and well established
malpractice mediator, Chris practice for three decades, former judge member] expertise in technology and
presently chairs the presti- twice a federal court ap- and now a partner in a ma- intellectual property who is
gious New York City Bar Association pointed Special Master, an expert witness in jor law firm and adjunct law professor of available to mediate patent, trademark, copy-
Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee.
federal and state court in major environmen- right, trade secrets, and other IP matters in
tal litigations, Jim mediates environmental bankruptcy, Melanie is available to mediate a wide variety of business sectors through
law disputes for Mediators + More.
bankruptcy disputes of all kinds through
Mediators + More.
Mediators + More.
Chuck Platto
Robert D. Robert A. Henry Weinstein
A long time partner at Cahill Steele
After practicing and teaching
Gordon & Reindel, Chuck law following his graduation from Columbia Law School, Dr.
left New York in the nineties to An experienced trusts and With years of experience Weinstein went on to a distin-
establish a small town guished career in psychiatry. He
“country” law practice in Vermont. It evolved into a estates partner in a leading in top legislative positions, now makes available Transfor-
national boutique insurance New York law firm, Robert is together with an exten- mative Mediation techniques he
law firm, and he is now available through available to mediate through sive real estate practice, has been using in his extensive
Mediators + More to mediate domestic and interna- Mediators + More the broad range of Bob now mediates governmental and other private practice and as Professor of Psychiatry and
tional insurance related disputes of all kinds.
disputes that arise in such a practice.
public as well as real estate disputes for Director of the New York University Program in
Mediators + More.
Psychiatry and the Law to resolve family and other
inter-personal disputes through Mediators + More.
260 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor, New York, New York 10016 • (646) 738-6354 or (646) 287-4295 • [email protected]