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S8 | MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016 | Law Firm Management | NYLJ.COM

You Can 

Do It All


Deliver sophisticated services while creating a culture the market demands.

to the challenges facing corporate America in ing to expand its footprint to Rochester, an Walk the Talk: Three Key Strategies 
today’s ever-changing business climate. With arguably oversaturated legal market at the To Create Firm Culture That Attracts 
Geconomic volatilities, competitive disrup- time, and unexplored lands for Bond (this, And Keeps Top Talent
one are the days when a law irm can tions, and social and technological advances, too, at a time of the worst economic condi- You may want to ask your whole team 
attract the greatest talent simply by law irms need to take a hard, honest look tions in nearly a century, when growth in law these questions:
the prestigious names on its front door. at their “culture” if they want to succeed irms had been lat, and partner movements • Does your culture come from the top 
Gone are the days when the best talent sim- and compete for the best clients. Delivering from irm to irm rare).
down or the bottom up? (Don’t be too quick 
ply asks about the minimum billable hour sophisticated legal services requires winning In eight short years, our ofice expanded to answer, for it MUST come from both direc- 

requirement, the salary and bonus structures.
and keeping dedicated talent, and proving you from ive to 36 lawyers. Make no mistake, tions)
It is a new marketplace with new rules, offer a desirable ofice culture can make all our primary business objective is to provide • Does the whole team (partners and 
and law irms reluctant to change and adapt the difference in your recruiting success— exceptional, sophisticated legal services so employees) take ownership of the goals and 
will compromise their opportunity and suc- whether it is for the superstar associate, we can win the best clients, but we know priorities of the irm?
cess. After compensation and opportunity administrative assistant, paralegal, director, our growth is most directly attributable to • Does your culture accurately relect the 
for advancement, ofice culture is the next or equity partner. It is no longer enough to successful recruiting, and which in turn is irm goals and priorities (and vice versa)?
most important consideration for law irm post the trendy phrase and corporate buzz most directly attributable to the culture we • Is your irm walking the talk—i.e., are 
recruits, and for many in these new times, words on your website or in the irm bro- promote, and try to prove, every day. Building your policies and actions congruent with 

it’s the most important.
chure. Culture cannot be dictated, faked, and maintaining a culture to help you recruit your words?
The legal services industry is not immune
or manipulated; it is an aggregate genuine and keep the best talent is a 24/7/365 commit- We can’t argue that a key element to our 
relection of how your team works and acts, ment, and it requires your law irm leadership, success is a steady addition of top talent, but 
internally and externally, every day. Culture your partners, and your employees to irst it is culture that has given us a competitive 
EDWARD HOURIHAN is a managing member of Bond, is not what you say, it is what you do.
embrace the culture, and then to constantly recruiting advantage in our market. We have 
Schoeneck & King.
In 2008, Bond, Schoeneck & King was look-
walk the talk.
found that creating a work environment that

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