Page 4 - Law Firm Management
P. 4

S4 | MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016 | Law Firm Management

Propping up an Associate
Sarah (with her voice quivering): “Mr. 

Smith, I am so, so sorry. I really wanted to 
get you a great memorandum and show you 
Who Has Dropped the Ball
my ability, but when I started to work on it I 
realized I didn’t really understand what you 
were looking for.”
Mr. Smith: “That’s no excuse. You knew 
this was for Apex, the irm’s most important 
client. You also knew that this is very impor- 
tant to me personally. You really let me and 

the irm down.”
Sarah: “But, but Mr. Smith, I really tried 
hard. I hoped that if I read some cases I might 
be able to igure out exactly what you needed. 
I really apologize for disappointing you.”
Mr. Smith (raising his voice and looming 
over her): “Apologies don’t ix the situation. 
This is dreadful. You really put me into a cor- 

ner. As you can tell, Sarah, I am extremely 
unhappy. You have let me down! This relects 
very poorly on you.”
Sarah: “I feel really badly about all this. 
Mr. Smith, I promise this won’t happen again. 
Please give me another chance to help you.”
Mr. Smith: “This morning I spoke to your 
colleague Jim Peters and told him what hap- 
pened, that you dropped the ball. I asked 

him if he could get me a memo by midnight 
tonight, and he said he would. You know Jim is 
really smart and fast, and he’ll come through 
for sure. He always does. We call him Mr. 
Sarah (on the verge of tears): “I don’t know 
what to say. This has never happened before. 
This is not like me. Mr. Smith, how can I ix 
the situation?”

Mr. Smith: “Sarah, frankly there is no way 
you can ix the situation. Maybe you need to 
ix yourself irst. The most important quality 
in an associate is reliability, like Jim. Partners 
want to know they can rely on their associ- 
ates. You clearly are not reliable. You are use- 
less. I don’t know about my other partners but 
you are not going to get any more assignments 

from me. Do you understand that?”
Sarah: “But, but . .”
Mr. Smith (moving toward the doorway 
and opening the door): “Stop with the ‘but, 
but, but.’ Now please get out of my ofice. 
And, have a nice weekend, Sarah.”
Sarah (with tears welling up): “I’m so sorry 
Mr. Smith. Really. You have a nice weekend 
Sarah leaves Mr. Smith’s ofice and heads GST
directly to the rest room!
We will return to Mr. Smith and Sarah later 
in this article. First, let’s consider some basic 
principles that should govern the delivery discovered that a competitor of his largest extension and states, “Sarah, it is now Friday 
of negative feedback to law irm associates. BY MARC S. FRIEDMAN, client, Apex Technologies, was attempting at noontime, and I still don’t have your memo. 
After we examine some of these principles, NATALIE LOEB
to solicit and hire many of Apex’s key employ- What the hell is going on? Please come to 
we will review the above set of facts and, AND GORDON LOEB
ees, and to misappropriate Apex’s coniden- my ofice at exactly 12:15 because we really 
applying these principles, assess Mr. Smith’s tial business information and trade secrets. need to discuss this situation. It is serious.”
conduct and how he should have handled n a hypothetical situation in our March To prepare for possible litigation, Mr. Smith Sarah, obviously with great trepidation, 
the situation quite differently.
2016 article “Improving Morale: Five Rules
summoned Sarah Simmons, a second-year promptly appears in the doorway of Mr. 
Confrontation in a law irm or any work- 1
for Making Associate Assignments,” we
litigation associate, and assigned her the task Smith’s office at 12:15. Mr. Smith, who is 
place is unavoidable, but it must always be introduced Eric Smith, a partner in the Labor of preparing a legal memorandum concerning behind his desk with his feet upon it, sees 
done productively—some say with a “vel- and Employment group at the prominent law possible causes of action for Apex to assert. Sarah and grufly states, “Sarah, sit down 
vet touch”—to improve an associate’s self- firm of Smith & Jones. Mr. Smith recently
In their conference, Mr. Smith informed Sarah please. I think you’ve done something really 
esteem, even in the face of serious criticism. that he needed the memorandum “in about bad.” As Mr. Smith says that, he rises from his 
Many experienced law irm partners know a week or so.”
chair, closes the door to his ofice, and stands 

that if they can build their associates’ self- MARC S. FRIEDMAN is senior counsel in Dentons US. One week has passed since Mr. Jones made directly in front of Sarah, who is seated. The 
esteem, those associates will work harder For more than 40 years he was the managing partner the assignment to Sarah but, unfortunately, following dialogue then occurs:
and more enthusiastically, and perform better. of a major law irm or department. NATALIE LOEB she still has not delivered a memorandum Mr. Smith: “Sarah, I am tremendously disap- 
And, of course, the converse is frequently and GORDON LOEB are principals in Loeb Consulting to Mr. Smith. Therefore, assume the follow- pointed in you. I gave you a very important 
true—if a partner degrades an associate’s Group, a management and leadership development ing occurs.
assignment and you totally dropped the ball. 
performance, the associate’s self-esteem will
Mr. Smith calls Sarah at her regular ofice
This is inexcusable. What the hell happened?”

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