Page 4 - Verdicts and Settlements Hall of Fame: Premises Liability
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Dear Readers,
Welcome to the New York Law Journal’s Verdicts & Settlements Hall of Fame: Premisis Liability.
VerdictSearch and the New York Law Journal are proud to honor some of the highest dollar – and highest pro-  le – Premisis Liability cases from New York over the last  ve years.  e selection process was straightforward.  e cases contained in this supplement were compiled from  ve years of VerdictSearch data. Given the size and diversity of the Motor Vehicle arena, in addition to highlighting the Top 25 cases from the last  ve years, we have also broken down the cases by category.  at gives you an opportunity to see who among your colleagues has had terri c success in specialty areas.
As always, there are caveats: We generally judged the verdicts using the dollar amount returned by the judges or juries. However, in footnotes at the end of each case description, we noted the amount of money that was added to or subtracted from the award by post-trial motions, interest, legal fees and other factors.
We hope you enjoy reading about these cases, which o en broke new legal ground in addition to returning high damage awards. As with any Hall of Fame, we’re sure there will be arguments over what we included and what we excluded, so we welcome your feedback.
If you do not see a case you worked on, we encourage you to begin reporting your cases to VerdictSearch. You can submit a case to VerdictSearch by telephone at (212) 457-9587. For subscriptions to the VerdictSearch on- line database of 185,000+ cases call sales at 1-800-445-6823. VerdictSearch is second to none when it comes to verdict and settlement research and reporting. For over 40 years, VerdictSearch has been the nation’s trusted source for news and research, providing legal and insurance professionals with the most accurate, detailed case reports each week. You can  nd them online at
As always, feel free to contact us with your views. Even better, when you or your  rm wins a signi cant victory, give the VerdictSearch team a shout so we can include it in the VerdictSearch database as well as our annual Top Verdicts and Top Settlements special sections.
And of course, kudos to all those being honored in the pages that follow. Congratulations on your accomplishments.
Wayne Curtis
Group Publisher & General Manager, Regionals
2 September 2016

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