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NYLJ.COM | Commercial Litigation | MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 2016 | S19
ing and securities and class action services. We handle
cases nationally and internationally for a wide range of
clients including law irms, private and public companies,
insurance carriers and governmental entities
Since the inaugural Reader Rankings survey in 2010,
readers of the New York Law Journal have ranked Marks
Paneth among the top three forensic accounting providers
serving the New York legal community. Marks Paneth is
Marcum LLP’s Forensic Services
the only irm to be ranked among the top three irms in the
New York | Long Island | Roseland | Neptune Mark S. Gottlieb, CPA, PC
category for six consecutive years.
NYC – 1430 Broadway, Ste 902, NY, New York 10018
Contact: James Ashe, CPA, MAFF, CFF Phone – 646-661-3800 Fax – 646-661-3801
[email protected]
White Plains – 50 Main Street, Suite 1000, White
Plains, New York 10606
With over 100 dedicated staff and 60 years of ex- Phone 914-294-4300 Fax – 914-294-5302
perience, Marcum’s Forensic Services Group offers Contact: Mark S. Gottlieb, CPA/ABV/CFF, CVA, CBA, MST
much more value to its clients than others in the Email: [email protected]
industry. We simply have broader knowledge and In today’s litigious world attorneys often rely upon creden-
resources that allow us to provide superior quality tialed experts to analyze complex inancial, tax, and ac-
of service.
counting issues that challenge the desired outcome of their
The group provides forensic accounting services cases.An expert opinion is only worth something if it is sup-
and fraud investigations, and assisting counsel in ported by a transparent and credible analysis expressed by SAXBST
litigating criminal cases. Our team is highly cre- proven professional methodologies.
28 West 44th Street, 20th Floor
dentialed (ABV, ASA, CFA, CPA, CFF, CVA, others) MSG’s business valuation and forensic accounting profes- New York, NY 10036
and has experience in providing litigation support sionals excel in analyzing cumbersome data to prepare and Phone: (800) 724-6700
services before state and federal courts, and other present inancial models tailored to your needs – so you Fax: (212) 706-3068
Contact: John R. Johnson, CPA, ABV, CFF, CBA,
remain one step ahead of your adversary. Our attention
We provide comprehensive analyses that look be- to detail allows you to focus on the law and the things you CVA, DABFA
do best.
E-mail: [email protected]
yond the numbers to explain the realities of eco-
nomic and business matters. Our signiicant experi- We don’t just provide an opinion of value; we bring value to Website:
ence in litigation support services ensures that we each engagement.
understand our clients’ needs. We know that effec- SaxBST’s Forensic Accounting Group plays a crucial
tive and timely communication is key to success
role in helping clients meet stringent transparency
requirements and minimize the potential for eco-
and we make it a top priority.
Our professional team members have the experi- nomic loss. Our highly experienced team of certiied
public accountants, certiied fraud examiners, certi-
ence, expertise, and credibility to effectively com- ied forensic inancial analysts and certiied fraud
municate their indings to clients, courts, arbitra-
specialists, as well as multi-disciplinary experts,
tors, mediators, and others in cases involving:
are widely acknowledged and respected leaders in
this ield. Our team provides a wide variety of fo-
Marks Paneth LLP
• Ani-money laundering
685 Third Avenue, 5th Floor
rensic, investigative, and litigation support services
• Civil and criminal fraud
for law irms and their clients, insurance compa-
• E-discovery and computer forensics New York, NY 10017
nies, governmental agencies, and businesses. Our
• Asset locaion & recovery
Contact: Steven L. Henning, Ph. D., CPA professionals are experts in the ields of forensic
• Workplace security & invesigaions accounting, inancial investigations, fraud exami
nation, and damage analysis. Additional ofice lo-
• Government agency assessment
Financial Advisory Services Group
• Marital dissoluion
T: 212.201.3179 cations in Albany, NY and Clifton, NJ.
[email protected]
• Bankruptcy and insolvency
• Economic damages
Marks Paneth LLP is a professional services irm head-
• Business valuaion
quartered in New York City providing accounting, tax and
advisory services to local, national and global clients. The
We look forward to speaking with you.
comprehensive suite of services offered by the irm’s Fi-
nancial Advisory Services Group is highly-regarded and
trusted by New York’s legal community.
These services include: Forensic accounting, IFRS consult-
ing, commercial litigation and economic damages, fraud
detection, investigation and mitigation, expert witness
services, valuations, bankruptcy and restructuring support,
cross-border trade disputes, intellectual property consult-