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NYLJ.COM | Commercial Litigation | MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 2016 | S15
Expert Witness Directory
forwards resumes; and helps arrange your initial actuarial science, or statistical analysis for plantiffs
expert phone interviews, all at No Charge Unless and defendants. He has been qualiied as an
You Designate or Engage an Expert. Plaintiff/ expert in these areas in Federal and State Courts
Defense. Exceptional service to New York irms
(A Division of the TASA Group, Inc.)
of all sizes and practice areas. Beneit from 57 in Connecticut, New Jersey, New York.
1166 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422-1853; years of TASA Group experience.
Phone: 800-659-8464; Fax: 800-850-8272;
E-mail: [email protected];
Contact: Linda Bartorillo
Princeton-Somerset Group, Inc.
Top local and national, independent medical and 4 Carroll Dr., Hillsborough, NJ 08844;
healthcare practitioners in 1000+ medical Phone: 800-597-8836; 908-369-6890
specialties, including Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Freifelder & Associates Consulting, Inc.
Fax: 908-369-6881;
Critical Care, Dentistry, Emergency Medicine,
Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Geriatrics, 360 Lexington Ave., 16th Floor;
Contact: Dr. Dennis Stainken, DABFE
New York, NY 10017;
Expert witness, toxicology, health effects, chemical
Hospital Admin., Mental Health, Neurology, Nursing Phone: 212-521-8100; Fax: 212-682-6425; exposure, worker exposure, physiology, chemistry,
Homes, OB-GYN, Oncology, Ophthalmology, contamination issues, environmental issues,
Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Pharmaceuticals, E-mail:[email protected];
gasoline and oil issues, risk assessment, wetlands
Toxicology, Much more, available for case merit Contact: Leonard R. Freifelder, Ph.D.
review, consulting, testimony, and IMEs. TASA Dr. Freifelder provides litigation-based economic,
and ecological services, molds, indoor air quality,
delivers time-saving, cost-effective referrals;
property damage, and remediation.