Page 10 - Partnership
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S10 | MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2016 | Partnership
product may be vastly different from what information and insights to build trust and associates. The associates provide much
the assigning partner needs. Or, gripped by rapport with the associate.
of a law irm’s work product that its clients
insecurity and anxiety, the associate may require. Furthermore, today’s associates
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be paralyzed, thus missing the deadline.
Quick Feedback
are tomorrow’s law irm partners; thus, it
For example, after better defining the But these situations, too, are easily is incumbent upon all law irm partners to
assignment and providing its context, Mr. avoided. In the hypothetical, Mr. Smith, after To an associate, there is nothing more dis- help their associates fulill their greatest
Smith might say: “We need to have our brief explaining the matter and assignment as couraging than seeing her work product linger potential as lawyers and, possibly, future
iled by October 15. Therefore, Sarah, I need above, should conclude by saying:
on a partner’s desk for days or, worse still, law irm partners. The ive principles out-
your memorandum by October 4 so I have “Sarah, do you have any questions you weeks without the partner reviewing it and lined above are just one small—but criti-
time to review it and get it back to you with want to ask. Please understand there are providing meaningful and valuable feedback. cally important—part of this.
any questions I have. Can you meet this no stupid questions. I want to be sure you For a number of reasons, this delay will kill To review, it is imperative that in making
fully understand what is being asked of you. associate self-esteem and morale. First, the work assignments to law irm associates such
In addition, it may be wise for Mr. Smith to And as you dig into the assignment you are associate may conclude that the work she did, as Sarah, the assigning partner follow these
suggest an earlier discussion. For example, likely to have more questions. Don’t brood perhaps toiling well into the evenings under ive important rules:
following the above statement, he might state:
about them. Come speak to me or send me
intense pressure, is unimportant and maybe
• Make the assignment sufficiently in
“Also Sarah, let’s meet in the afternoon advance of the final deadline to give the
of September 27 so we can see how you are associate ample opportunity to complete
progressing and make sure you are on the the assignment and the partner suficient
The assigning partner must identify a deadline and perhaps a few
right track.”
opportunity to review it
interim deadlines, which are designed to provide the associate and him
Following these guidelines will facilitate • Explain the assignment in detail and the
partner-associate communication, enable larger context in which it arises
with suicient time to prepare and evaluate the deliverable, and for the
the associate to produce a high-quality work • Describe the required deliverable and
product that meets the assigning partner’s time frame
associate to do some additional work if required.
requirements and timetable, and will help the • Let the associate know there are no stu-
partner to execute the case or transaction pid questions
strategy that, hopefully, he has explained, • Promptly review the associate’s work an email. Neither of us want you to go down even without value. Second, all associates
thereby setting up the associate to be suc- product and provide meaningful feedback
the wrong road. OK?”
want, need and are entitled to substantive
Certainly there are no guarantees that a law In the Situational Leadership II model, feedback on each work assignment. Such
irm associate will perform well. Some do and, this type of behavior is an example of “sup- regular and thoughtful feedback is the best
There Are No Stupid Questions
unfortunately, some don’t. But, by following the portive” behaviors. Supportive behaviors way to increase an associate’s self-esteem and
above guidelines in making associate assign- are described as listening to the associate’s morale, develop associate loyalty and provide
Associates feel insecure, especially in the ments, a law irm partner will increase the concerns, then paraphrasing or relecting the associate with an opportunity to fulill her
presence of inluential law irm partners. They likelihood that the associate will deliver what on their thoughts and/or feelings, facilitat- potential as a lawyer. Of course an associate’s
don’t want to make any missteps and cer- the partner needs within the required time ing self-reliant problem solving (asking what self-esteem and morale can be destroyed by
tainly don’t want to disappoint the partners. frame. Moreover, it is a partner’s obligation to and how questions to help deine a prob- a partner who does not or cannot provide
Perhaps most signiicantly, associates do not provide each associate with an opportunity to lem, generate and evaluate alternatives, and feedback in a positive way. This will be dis-
want to look stupid. As a result, an associate lourish and succeed, and by following these choose a solution), asking for input (involving cussed at length in Part Two of this article,
who is confused or who doesn’t understand simple rules, a partner will be providing the the associate in decision-making by asking to be published in New York Law Journal’s
an assignment may refrain from asking the associate with that opportunity.1
for opinions and suggestions), providing Law Firm Management special report in May.
assigning partner questions or for clariica- •••rationale by explaining why and providing
tions along the way.
perspective, acknowledging and encourag- Conclusion
When an associate is afraid to ask ques- 1. Part Two of this article will be published in the New ing the associate by expressing appreciation
tions, the results can be disastrous. For York Law Journal’s May 2016 Law Firm Management spe- and reassurance, sharing information about Many authorities counsel that a law
example, the memorandum or other work
cial report. The authors will discuss how a law irm partner should confront an associate if he or she drops the ball.
the irm and/or client and sharing personal
firm’s most important assets are their
nice. Teach her. Laterals should accompany at every opportunity. I like to provide brieing they become problems, recognizing that it’s a
multiple partners on pitches to see the many books for laterals that set forth the irm’s core rare breed that thrives while wearing a bulls-
different ways to present capabilities and dif- competencies, special partners, notable clients eye. That bull’s eye is also preventable. In 20
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ferent ways to ask—directly—about needs. and standout engagements. It’s also instructive years in the business, I know many laterals
a corporate card or put in for reimbursement? Firms cannot allow a tremendous investment to spell out other selling points—perhaps the who took a good long time to get cooking.
Do the laterals know that breakfast is a lost art turn into a serial luncher because she isn’t irm has a stable of excellent associates, or a As long as they make credible, sustained
and always a more economical option? Has learning how to close. It’s a natural skill for particularly diverse population, or luency in efforts to feed the irm and hold themselves
anyone encouraged the lateral to try after- some and a torture for others, but without 26 languages, behind the plate seats at Yankee up to their colleagues with no pride and no
noon coffee dates or early evening drinks? “the ask” punctuating those get-togethers, stadium. Whatever the value added, name it so ego, patience and support abound. Too many
Firms are generally loosey-goosey about these it’s just a nice meal.
the newbie has tools to get to work and get work.
irms get caught up in “we shouldn’t have
kinds of expenses, trusting partners to act Given the kind of premium work in to tell them, they should know better,” but
responsibly. Until they don’t, and by then the demand today and for the foreseeable Talk. A Lot.
sometimes they don’t. Tell the lateral when
good will is irretrievable. Guide the lateral. future—internal investigations, compliance, to offer herself and to whom. It’s not enough
Create an integration checklist. And let him crisis response, whistleblower defense and, For all the lawyerly caution, endless inter- to articulate that the lateral should assist
know the coffee is free too.
of course, trial—government laterals can nal rumination and lava-like speed of hiring, other partners when hours are low; irms
bring tremendous credibility and expertise things can go south so quickly. Oftentimes, need to provide the speciic road map to do
Core Strengths, Key People
to a irm’s offering. But these lawyers aren’t that’s news to the lateral, who is trying so that. Who will assign work? Who will manage
in short supply. So take the time to look hard to make something happen. I have the process internally?
The distinctions between originating, bill- carefully and honestly, guarding the irm’s seen numerous executive committees spend
ing and working hours are lost on your private culture today, while building the partnership months discussing lackluster performance, They’ve Never Asked for Business
practice rookie. But there’s a good chance the of tomorrow.
back-channeling, letting it all ferment to No
government lateral is a natural team player. Good End. Meanwhile, the new partner will Yes, you’re paying them more than they’ve
Successful integration relies on a fast and furi- have no idea his low hours are creating a ever seen, but don’t ever underestimate the
ous education of who’s who and what’s what. DECISIONS WANTED!
real problem and no idea how to change the anxiety of the transition and the tremendous
Inculcate the importance of cross-marketing The editors of the New York Law Journal are eager to publish court calculus. All laterals, regardless of seniority, pressure to perform. Your lateral may have
from day one by schooling your new partner rulings of interest to the bench and bar. Submissions must include should have a well-respected mentor and asked judges to sentence, juries to indict or
on irm strengths and market opportunities. a sentence or two on why the decision would be of signiicance a regular schedule—at least quarterly—to Congress to rally, but she has never asked for
The golden rule of private practice is that all to our readers. Also include contact information for each party’s meet with irm leadership and review perfor- business. Established partners never remem-
partners must promote the irm’s entire offering
attorneys. E-mail decisions to [email protected].
mance against plan. Address issues before
ber how hard that skill is to master. So be