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NYLJ.COM | E-Discovery | MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2015 | S15
Marks Paneth LLP
685 Third Avenue, 5th Floor Certified Public Accountants & Strategic Advisors
NewYork,NY 10017
757 Third Avenue
Contact: Steven L. Henning, Ph. D., CPA New York, NY 10017
Contact:Alfred M. Pruskowski, CPA/ABV/CFF/CGMA, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause LLP
Litigation & Valuation Services Offices:
Litigation and Corporate Financial CFE, CVA • 212-303-9009
Advisory Services Group
[email protected]
One Penn Plaza, Suite 3000, New York, NY 10119
T: 212.201.3179 Phone: 212-697-6900; Fax: 212-490-1412
Additional Office in Garden City, NY
[email protected]
Full service firm offering consulting services includ- 350 Fifth Avenue, 68th floor, New York, NY 10118
Our firm is distinguished by the depth and breadth of our Phone: 212-736-1900; Fax: 888-264-9617
ing: litigation support and forensic accounting, busi-
specialized litigation and corporate financial advisory ness valuation, expert witness testimony, contract 125 Baylis Road, Melville, NY 11747;
practice. We have earned a reputation for providing litiga- disputes, mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcy, in Phone: 631-719-3456; Fax: 631-752-1742
tion support, corporate financial advisory, dispute analysis Henry B. Guberman, CPA/ABV/CFF, CFE, CDFA
addition to the traditional services of accounting,
and forensic accounting services of the highest quality. auditing and tax planning and preparation.
Partner, Matrimonial Forensics and Valuation Services
We handle cases nationally and internationally for a wide 212-736-8269, [email protected]
range of clients including law firms, private and public
companies, insurance carriers and governmental entities. Partner, Litigation and Valuation Services
Our work in both civil and criminal cases encompasses as-
set tracing, record reconstruction, complex damages and 631-719-3226, [email protected]
Jean J. Han, CPA/ABV/CFF, JD
lost profits calculations, business and IP valuation servic-
es, infringement and royalty disputes. Our specialists have Partner, Matrimonial Forensics and Valuation Services
experience as both testifying and consulting experts.
646-375-3843, [email protected]
The Litigation and Valuation Services Group
Helping you build a better case is what our Litiga-
tion and Valuation Services group is all about. With
Anchin, Block & Anchin LLP
a large staff dedicated solely to Litigation and Valu-
1375 Broadway
ation Services, our partners and managers are ex-
New York, NY 10018
perienced in business valuation, litigation consult-
28 West 44th Street, 20th Floor ing in matrimonial and business disputes, forensic
New York, NY 10036
Anthony M. Bracco, CPA/CFF, CFE, CGMA, CVA, accounting, fraud auditing, and state and federal
Practice Leader, Litigation, Forensic
Phone: (800) 724-6700
and Valuation Services criminal investigation.
Fax: (212) 706-3068
[email protected]
The group includes certified public accountants,
Contact: John R. Johnson, CPA, ABV, CFF, CBA, In litigation, your positions are only as strong as your
ability to support and present them. As experts, we are accredited business valuators, certified fraud ex-
E-mail: [email protected]
aminers, certified in financial forensics, certified di-
thoroughly prepared to support your position with knowl-
edgeable, credible and objective analysis. We are able to vorce financial analysts, MBA’s, JD’s, Phd’s, private
SaxBST’s Forensic Accounting Group plays a crucial present complex data in ways that our clients, judges, investigators, and business and computer forensic
role in helping clients meet stringent transparency jurors, arbitrators and mediators can comprehend. The investigators. We have testified as expert witnesses
requirements and minimize the potential for eco- result? Helping you build and prove stronger cases. Areas in federal courts and multiple state jurisdictions.
nomic loss. Our highly experienced team of certified in which we perform Litigation Services include:
You can count on competent, credible service to
public accountants, certified fraud examiners, certi- middle market businesses, high net worth individu-
fied forensic financial analysts and certified fraud • Contract disputes
als, and law firms.
specialists, as well as multi-disciplinary experts,
• Disputed construction and contractor claims
are widely acknowledged and respected leaders in • Document management
We are one of the largest and most experienced
this field. Our team provides a wide variety of fo-
rensic, investigative, and litigation support services • Expert witness
forensic accounting and valuation practices in the
• Lost profit and damage calculations
New York metropolitan area. We invite you to get
for law firms and their clients, insurance compa- • Lost value
nies, governmental agencies, and businesses. Our to know us.
professionals are experts in the fields of forensic • Matrimonial matters and disputes
• Preparation for Congressional hearings
accounting, financial investigations, fraud exami-
nation, and damage analysis. Additional office lo- • Surety Claims
cations in Albany, NY and Clifton, NJ.