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E-Discovery | MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2015 | S3

Our Forensic Accountants Leave 

No Stone Unturned
do this themselves. The cost of capturing to a chain, it could indicate a new custodian 

and storing these emails is normally based about which the attorney was not previously 
on the number of gigabytes they represent.
aware. This could alert the attorney to a 
A signiicant e-discovery cost factor is the custodian’s personal email account that had 
amount of time it will require for trained been used for business but was not included 
attorneys to review and tag for production in the collection emails and may indicate the 
those emails thought to be relevant to the need to broaden the collection.
case. The basic operating strategy to mini- Threading can be as hands on as the law 
mize these costs is based on the premise irm prefers. The e-discovery provider may 
that not every email needs to be reviewed. gather all of the truckloads of emails and store 

Some have no relevancy to the case at all them in its data centers or in the cloud and 
and many others, perhaps hundreds or more, conduct the threading. As an alternative, the 
may deal with a relevant topic but are actu- law irm or corporate legal department can 
ally duplicates so reviewers need not look perform the actual threading process them- 
at all of them.
selves using the provider’s software.
One method to narrow the number of 
relevant emails is to batch them, perhaps 
by chronological order, and assign different Custodians Are the Starting Point

Unfortunately, fraud can happen anywhere, and no one is immune. White collar crime
batches to different reviewers. One problem During pretrial discussions, both parties 
continues to endanger businesses, and technology eases the way for perpetrators to cover
with this approach is the presence of dupli- typically agree as to the individuals whose 
their tracks. That’s why an accountant should be an integral part of your team. Leaving no
cates that may have gotten into different emails should be copied for potential review. 
stone unturned, our forensic accountants have the technical expertise necessary to analyze
batches. This could cause multiple review- In e-discovery terms, they are known as “cus- 
ers to spend time—and thus money—read- todians.” Some custodians will have several 
books and records, detect inconsistencies, and ind and trace hidden or misappropriated
ing the same or similar emails several times. business and personal email accounts that 
assets. Isn’t it time you made Israeloff, Trattner & Co. part of your team?
Threading software views emails as a mere they access through their computers, digital 
collection of words. It organizes emails to pad devices or their business and personal 
indicate a conversation thread.
cell phones. Some of the folks receiving Mr. 

The attorneys involved in the case can also Brown’s email on their computer may have 
ilter and prioritize emails based on key identi-
responded through their business or personal 
cell phones.
Companies involved in the litigation can 
normally provide a list of business email 
Ofices in New York City and Garden City
Email threading can reduce accounts for their employees. Those indi- 
the time required for review viduals as well as custodians who aren’t 
employees may also be asked to provide a 
Visit us on the web at
of emails by as much as 60 list of all their email accounts including per- 

sonal accounts.
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In our example, the goal at this early stage 
is to compile a list of Tom Brown’s email 
accounts and those of each of the other 
iers associated with the emails they are seek- nine people. They hold the raw data being 
ing. These might include the sender, recipient, sought. At this point in the process, there is 
dates sent or key words in the content or no indication of exactly how many emails are 
attachments. This software can electronically associated with each account, though to nar- 

scan all of the original emails. It will then row the scope, the attorneys may designate 
group them together, including all duplicates speciic dates in which they are interested.
based on threads of communication.
When considering email collections, the 
When an attorney is tagging documents devices that individuals use are not as impor- 
for responsiveness and non-responsiveness, tant as the location of the servers that host 
having emails threaded by conversation can their accounts. It does not depend on where 
save great amounts of time. They can often someone works but rather where the email 
identify the full content in a chain of emails servers are located.
by simply looking at the final one in the 

chain and can make a tagging decision for The Role of International Privacy Laws
the entire chain in mere seconds rather than 
needing to review each individual email. The Our hypothetical case involving Mr. Brown 
fewer emails reviewed, the less time and cost is being tried in U.S. courts, but the ability 
invested in the process.
to gain access to any of the 110 or so emails Be sure to reserve your space in the
Email threading can thus reduce the time potentially being hosted on servers in other 
required for review of emails by as much as countries may require procedures that meet 
60 percent.
the data privacy laws in those countries. 
These laws, which are often more strict than Real Estate Law 

A Threading Example
in the United States, dictate how and where 
locally stored emails can be collected and & Practice
Let’s break down the threading concept where they can be reviewed.
with a simple example. If Tom Brown sends At this point, relying on the privacy law 
an email to 10 people, generating 11 emails, expertise of attorneys and the technical abili- 
and all 10 respond and copy the others, that ties of an international e-discovery service Special Broadsheet Section 
is 110 emails that are nearly identical. Using provider is essential for a successful email 
identiiers associated with Mr. Brown’s emails, review. The attorneys will guide the legal 
please contact:
threading software can quickly identify and aspect of the process. A provider will never Farrell McManus
group together these 110 separate email offer legal advice but can guide the task of col- (212) 457-9465 
conversations. Threading may also reveal lecting and securely storing from the servers Phone: 
additional email addresses for custodians. in question. In many cases these providers [email protected]
If all of a sudden an email thread indicates that may be able to satisfy compliance require- 
an additional email address has been copied
ments by retrieving and storing » Page S12

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