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Expert Witness Directory

Special Advertising Section



Forensic, Litigation and Valuation Services Group
SRM Educational Associates
750 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017; 345 East 73rd St., Suite 8G, New York, NY, 10021 
Accidents, School &
Phone: 212-879-9722
Contact: Dennis Neier, CPA, CFF • 212.891.4028 E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Untoward Incidents.................... Page S13
EisnerAmper’s Forensic, Litigation and Valuation Contact: Mitchell Strear
Services Group provides valuation services to Twenty-Five years serving the New York legal 
attorneys and in-house counsel in connection community. Mr. Strear served as a tenured NYC 
Accident Reconstruction........... Page S13 principal and member of a NY university Graduate 
with commercial litigation, matrimonial matters, School of Education. Expertise in the evaluation
inancial reporting, purchase price allocation, and of regulations and practices with respect to school 
estate planning, administration and accounting, accidents and untoward incidents. He has been 
and other areas requiring a valuation of a busi- Accounting................................... Page S13 qualiied as an expert witness in these areas in
ness, an interest in a business, professional prac- the State Courts of NY. Sample of Case Evaluation 
tices and licenses.
available as is resume. Contact via email, 
[email protected]
Israeloff, Trattner & Co., CPA’s, P.C. Business Valuation...................... Page S13 
450 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10123;
1225 Franklin Ave., Garden City, NY 11530; RECONSTRUCTION
Phone: 800-945-0200;
Economics .................................... Page S14 
E-mail: [email protected];
Technology Associates, LLC
137 E. 36th Street, Suite 7K,
Contact: Michael J. Garibaldi, CPA/ABV/CFF/CGMA
Expert Referrals All Categories. Page S14 
At Israeloff, Trattner & Co., our experts understand New York, NY 10016;
the subtleties of inancial issues and are trained to Phone: 800-358-9909; Fax: 888-358-9901; 
provide value far beyond the numbers. Our Forensic E-mail: [email protected]; 
Accounting, Fraud and Business Valuation Groups Financial ........................................ Page S14 Website:; 
were established speciically to help attorney’s 
compete successfully in today’s challenging legal Contact: Dr. I. Ojalvo
environment. And because our irm specializes Over 2000 cases. PhD’s & Professors with many 
Forensic Accounting................... Page S14 publications. All types of vehicles and issues. Crash, 
in serving the legal profession, we can provide seatbelt, rollovers, pedestrians, biomechanics, 
specialized technical resources to support all phases whiplash, animations, golf cars, heavy machinery, 
of the litigation process. Our forensic accounting cranes, & electrical matters.
professionals handle the inancial analysis through Fraud Investigations ................... Page S14 
expert witness testimony for equitable distribution, ACCOUNTING
shareholder or partner dissolution/oppression 
actions, structuring buy/sell agreements, business 
loss, damage analysis, estate and gift tax and estate Life Care Planning....................... Page S15 Israeloff, Trattner & Co., CPA’s, P.C. 
planning, acquisition, sale, embezzlement, fraud 
450 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10123;
and litigation related professional practice, license Litigation and ADR Services........ Page 15 1225 Franklin Ave., Garden City, NY 11530; 
and business valuations. Ofices in Manhattan and Phone: 800-945-0200;
Garden City.
E-mail: [email protected]; 
Litigation Support ....................... Page S15 Website:; SaxBST
Contact: Michael J. Garibaldi, 
28 West 44th Street, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Medical ......................................... Page S15 At Israeloff, Trattner & Co., our experts understand Phone: (800) 724-6700
the subtleties of inancial issues and are trained Fax: (212) 706-3068
to provide value far beyond the numbers. Our Contact: John R. Johnson, CPA, ABV, CFF, CBA, CVA, DABFA 
Forensic Accounting, Fraud and Business Valuation E-mail: [email protected]
Product & Premises Libility .......... Page15 Groups were established speciically to help attor- Website:
SaxBST specializes in the valuation of closely-held 
ney’s compete successfully in today’s challenging businesses, professional practices, stock options/ 
legal environment. And because our irm special- restricted stock, retirement plans, and enhanced 
Securities ...................................... Page S15 izes in serving the legal profession, we can provide earnings capacity. Our services include analyzing the 
specialized technical resources to support all phases economic, industry and competitive environments in 
of the litigation process. Our forensic accounting which our clients operate, and assessing a company’s 
professionals handle the inancial analysis through inancial strength and strategic positioning in order 
Toxicology..................................... Page S15 to provide an insightful, objective report that fully 
expert witness testimony for equitable distribu- supports our opinion of value.
tion, shareholder or partner dissolution/oppression Well-respected for our experience and in-depth 
actions, structuring buy/sell agreements, business 
Vocational Rehabilitation .......... Page S15
loss, damage analysis, estate and gift tax and estate knowledge within this practice area, our team of 
planning, acquisition, sale, embezzlement, fraud accomplished professionals includes certiied public 
and litigation related professional practice, license accountants accredited in business valuation, certiied 
business appraisers and certiied valuation analysts 
and business valuations. Ofices in Manhattan and as well as other related disciplines. Additional ofice 
Garden City.
locations in Albany, NY and Clifton, NJ.

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