Page 22 - 2014_Reader_Rankings
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Accounting/Banking/Financial Services/
Best Business Accounting Provider
2. Israeloff Trattner & Co.
A Team Strategy for Success
A Team Strategy For Success
3. Anchin Block & Anchin LLP
Best Business Bank
1. Signature Bank
2. Chase
3. Citibank
A Team Strategy for Success
Best Private Bank
The success of today’s law irm depends largely upon results-oriented management
acing on sound and imely business advice. Knowledge of business, inance and
1. J.P. Morgan
accouning are needed at many stages of the process. Our professionals know how
to ask the right quesions while providing creaivity and energy in helping you deal
with theissuesthatconfrontyou,yorindustry andyour case. Isn’t it imeyou
2. Signature Bank
Optimize your proitability and reduce your tax
Optimizeyourprofitabilityandreduceyourtax liabilitywithateammate
made Israelof, Tratner & Co., part of your team?
liability with a teammate you can trust: A lead-
you can trust: A leading certified public accounting, financial and manage- ing certiied public accounting, inancial and
Many thanks to the readers of the New York Law Journal, our clients and friends
management consulting irm that combines
ment consulting firm that combines world class skills with a tradition of
3. TD Bank
foryourconinuedconidenceinusandoncegainnamingusatopProviderof world class skills with a tradition of personal
personalseviceanintegrity.Israeloff,Trattner&Co.strivestoptimize service and integrity. Israeloff, Trattner & Co.
Business Accouning, Liigaion Valuaion, Bankruptcy Valuaion and Forensic
Accouning Services.
your financial performsatrnivcees wtoitohptaimtizeeamyouor fidnaendciaclatperdfoprmroanfceessionals who can
with a team of dedicated professionals who
provide the ideal solution to improve your financial position. Isn’t it time
can provide the ideal solution to improve
you made Israeloff, Trattner & Co. part of your team?
Best Wealth Management Provider
your inancial position. Isn’t it time you made
Israeloff, Trattner & Co. part of your team?
AccounTing & AudiTing • MAnAgeMenT conSulTing
ForenSic AccounTing, FrAud engAgeMenTS & experT TeSTiMony
Michael J. Garibaldi, CPA/ABV/CFF/CGMA
1. Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
thanks The New York Enterprise Report, clients,
B u S i n e S S , p r o FeSSi onAlprAcTi ce&licenSeVAl u A T ionSawards
staffand friendsfornaming hima topaccountant the advisors you need to know
in the New York tri-state area. 2013 BEST ADVISOR
doMeSTic & inTernATionAl TAx plAnning & coMpliAnce
2. FidelityInvestments
royAlTy AudiTS • FinAnciAl & eSTATe plAnning
Merger & AcquiSiTion conSulTing
Ofices in New York City and Garden Ci
3. Vanguard
Oices in New York City and Garden City
Technology, huMAn reSourceS & MArkeTing conSulTing
Visit us on the web at
AccOuVnitsinitgu&s oAnudtihtienwg e•bMaAtnwAgwewM.eisnrtaceOlonfs.uclotming • FOrensic AccOunting, FrAud engAgeMe
& expert testiMOny • Business, prOFessiOnAl prActice & license VAluAtiOns • dOMestic & in
nAtiOnAl tAx plAnning & cOMpliAnce • FinAnciAl & estAte plAnning • Mergers & AcquisitiO
technOlOgy, huMAn resOurces & MArketing cOnsulting
212.239.33OO 516.24O.33OO
IT13_NYER_Garibaldi_final.indd 1
S18 NYLJ RANKINGS September 2014
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