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litigAtion support guiDe

AppellAte printer
business vAluAtion
business vAluAtion

Grassi & Co.
488 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022 
Additional Office: Jericho, NY
229 West 36th Street, 8th Floor Contact: Matt Crane, ASA, CPA/ABV
28 West 44th Street, 20th Floor 
New York, NY 10018
Manager of Business Valuation Services 
New York, New York 10036 
Tel: 212-619-4949
Fax: 212-608-3141
[email protected]
Contact John R. Johnson, CPA/ABV/CFF 
Email: [email protected] For over three decades, our professionals have 
served clients in virtually every industry. We perform 
economic analysis services for clients ranging in Our Valuation and Litigation Services team special- 
size from substantial family-owned businesses and izes in the valuation of closely-held businesses, pro- 
With nearly 70 years of industry experience, professional practices to Fortune 100 corporations 
Record Press gives the advantage to your and international professional service firms.
fessional practices, stock options/restricted stock, 
retirement plans, and enhanced earnings capacity. 
appeal, providing complete appellate
Grassi & Co. performs analysis related to:
We also provide economic damage analysis, investi- 
services that support your position including: • Estate, Inheritance and Gift Tax 
gative and forensic services, ancillary domestic rela- • Minority Shareholder Interests 
Electronic Case Filing, preparation of tables tions services, expert testimony and trial consulta- • Allocation of Acquisition Price 
and appendices, document review for the 
record, typesetting and binding, subpoena tion. Offices in New York City, Albany and Clifton NJ.
• Goodwill Impairment
• Employee Stock Ownership
service, e-Brief preparation, calendaring,
• Portfolio Valuations
high-speed scanning and reproduction printing.
Our experts tailor our services to meet the needs 

DemonstrAtive eviDence
of our clients by providing various types of valuation
reports including:
• Appraisal Report
• Summary Letter Report 
• Calculations

Attorney services
• Expert Testimony

Grassi & Co. is the 75th largest accounting firm in the 
John Afrides Photography, Inc.
US and has been ranked among the Top 25 “Best of 
47-01 Queens Boulevard
the Best Firms” by INSIDE Public Accounting for eight COLBY
Attorneys consecutive years.
Service Sunnyside, New York 11104 
718-707-3490 – email: [email protected]

We are a full-service custom demonstrative Rosen Seymour Shapss Martin & Company LLP
111 Washington Avenue, Suite 703 evidence production firm founded in 1986. We 
Albany,NY 12210
are proud to say that our litigation support team 757 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
10 Esquire Road, New City, NY 10956
800 832-1220
has been instrumental in the positive resolution Alfred M. Pruskowski, CPA, CVA, CFF, CFE, CGMA – 
fax...............518 434-2574 of many cases, meeting and often exceeding our 212-303-9009 – [email protected] 

Contact: Ruth Dennehey
clients’ expectations.
Additional Office in Garden City, NY
THANK YOU for voting us near the top for
Ranked a Top Business Valuation Firm by INSIDE
Services include:
Attorneys Service Companies! We’ve been serv- Public Accounting
ing attorneys and financial professionals since RSSM has been providing business valuation servic- 
1939. We can handle just about anything - es to publicly and privately held businesses through- Trial Exhibits: Photos, documents, Radiologic Films (from film or CD) Enlarged. 
out the United States and Europe including Fortune Custom Exhibits:
Radiologic Film Boards with Callouts and Titling, Scale Aerials, Magnetic Scale Diagram, Scale Models, Timelines, Charts, etc.
from filing corporate documents, court filings, 100 companies. With expert business skills and ex- 
service of process on corporations and state ceptional valuation knowledge, we offer business Medical Illustrations: 
valuation services for a variety of reasons including:
Film Duplication:
Stock with Copyright Clearance and Custom Artwork.
agencies, to information and document retrieval. Film to Film, Film CD to Film and Film Digitized w/Dicom Software to CD.
If we can help you in Albany, just call us!
• Tax Valuation
• Business Transactions
Presentations: Creation of TrialDirector and PowerPoint Presentations.
• Intangible Assets
Presentations in Court/Mediation of Videos, Dicom Medical Films, 
PowerPoint or Trial Director. Equipment Rental Available.
• Bankruptcy Reorganizations and Dissolutions Photography: 
• Strategic Business Planning
Injuries, Locations, Vehicular, TA, D&Is (machinery), Macro, Micro. 
• Litigation/Arbitration
Day-in-the-life, Depositions, D&Is, Surgical Procedures, Multi- 
• Minority Interest Discounts
Camera, Re-Enactments.
• Estate and Succession Planning
• GAAP Financial Statement Disclosures
4x Winner as New York’s “Best Demonstrative 
Evidence Provider”
(NY Law Journal Rankings Survey 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013)

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