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Expert Witness Directory

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construction claims, civil and criminal tax fraud, ANALYSIS
white-collar criminal defense, and shareholder and TASAmed
matrimonial dissolution.
Freifelder & Associates Consulting, Inc. (A Division of the TASA Group, Inc.)
Our group has provided monitorship services
1166 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA 19422-1853;
on both tax and other compliance requirements as 360 Lexington Ave., 16th Floor;
Phone: 800-659-8464; Fax: 800-850-8272;
mandated by deferred prosecution agreements and/ New York, NY 10017;
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2013 I 49 E-mail: [email protected];
or court order. Baker Tilly provides services to middle 
Phone: 212-521-8100; Fax: 212-682-6425;
market businesses, not-for-profit organizations,
E-mail: [email protected] ;
Contact: Linda Bartorillo
and high net worth individuals and families.
Contact: Leonard R. Freifelder, Ph.D.
Dr. Freifelder provides litigation-based economic, Top local and national, independent medical and 
healthcare practitioners in 1000+ medical 
Marcum LLP
actuarial science, or statistical analysis for plantiffs 
and defendants. He has been qualified as an specialties, including Anesthesiology, Cardiology, 
10 Melville Park Rd., Melville, NY 11747;
expert in these areas in Federal and State Courts in Critical Care, Dentistry, Emergency Medicine, 
Phone: 631.414.4240 (office) or
Connecticut, New Jersey, New York.
Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Geriatrics, 
516.376.7526 (cell);
Hospital Admin., Mental Health, Neurology, Nursing 
E-mail: [email protected];
Homes, OB-GYN, Oncology, Ophthalmology, 
Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Pharmaceuticals, 
Contact: James T. Ashe, CPA,CFFA, CFF
Toxicology, Much more, available for case merit 
Full service CPA firm offering consulting, expert review, consulting, testimony, and IMEs. TASA 
witness and forensic accounting services. Expertise Princeton-Somerset Group, Inc.
delivers time-saving, cost-effective referrals; 
includes shareholder/partner disputes, business valu- forwards resumes; and helps arrange your initial 
4 Carroll Dr., Hillsborough, NJ 08844;
expert phone interviews, all at No Charge Unless 
ations, tax dispute resolutions, matrimonial dissolu- Phone: 800-597-8836; 908-369-6890
You Designate or Engage an Expert. Plaintiff/ 
tions, fraud investigations, damage and lost profit 
calculations, transactional advisory services, bank- Fax: 908-369-6881; Defense. Exceptional service to New York firms 
ruptcy and reorganization.
of all sizes and practice areas. Benefit from 57 
Contact: Dr. Dennis Stainken, DABFE
years of TASA Group experience.

Expert witness, toxicology, health effects, chemical 
exposure, worker exposure, physiology, chemistry, 
contamination issues, environmental issues, SECURITIES
28 West 44th Street, 20th Floor
gasoline and oil issues, risk assessment, wetlands 
New York, NY 10036
and ecological services, molds, indoor air quality, Market Consulting Corporation 
Phone: 800-724-6700; Fax: 212-706-3068
property damage, and remediation.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 212-945-3360
Toll free: 888-397-9867
Contact: John R. Johnson, CPA/ABV, CFF, CBA, VOCATIONAL Email: [email protected]

Our Valuation, Forensic and Litigation Services REHABILITATION
Contact: Dr. Ronald W. Cornew
division specializes in the valuation of closely-held Securities, Futures and Derivatives Expert Witnesses. 
businesses, professional practices, stock options/ 20+ years as consultants in investment and trading 
restricted stock, retirement plans, and enhanced Kincaid Vocational & 
earnings capacity. We also provide economic damage litigation. Broker/Customer disputes regarding 
Rehabilitation Services stocks and bonds; options, commodity futures,
analysis, investigative and forensic services, ancillary One University Plaza, Suite 510, currency trading; derivatives including swaps; 
domestic relations services, expert testimony and trial limited partnerships, hedge funds, managed futures.
consultation. Additional office locations in Clifton, Hackensack, NJ 07601
NJ, Albany, NY, and Mineola, NY.
Phone: 201-343-0700; Fax: 201-343-0757
E-mail: [email protected] 

Contact: Charles Kincaid, PhD., CRC, ATP, CVE, CLCP 
Employment Capability and Earnings Capacity / Life 
Care Planning --Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity 

Studies, Expert Witness Testimony, in divorce, personal 
injury, discrimination, wrongful termination, Workers’ 

Compensation including repetitive stress (ergonomic 
injuries), medical/hospital malpractice cases.

To appear in future

Expert Witness Directories, 

please contact (347) 227-3145

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