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North China Pharmaceutical Group Corp., 
Weisheng Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd., 
Burnham was assigned 55 percent of the liability, and the remaining liability was assigned Northeast Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd.

to parties that were not involved in the trial.
Vincent’s estate’s damages totaled $20 million. Burnham was assigned 21 percent DEFENDANT 
of the liability; Cleaver-Brooks was assigned 21 percent of the liability; and the EXPERT(S)
Professor Shen Sibao, Beijing, China 
remaining liability was assigned to parties that were not involved in the trial. Burnham’s Lawrence Wu Antitrust (Economics); San Francisco, CA
monetary obligations total $42.2 million, and Cleaver-Brooks’ monetary obligations 
total $30.54 million.
FACTS & ALLEGATIONS In 2001, plaintiff Animal Science Products Inc., a Nacogdoches, 
Plaintiffs’ counsel reported that offsets may be applied to those amounts.
Texas-based provider of feed, plaintiff Dennis Audette, plaintiff Linda Philion and 

plaintiff The Ranis Co. Inc., an Elizabeth, N.J.-based provider of drugs and supplements, 
ANNATOLIA purchased vitamin C that was manufactured by China-based corporations. During the 
$32,000,000 Personal Injury: Future Medical Cost
ensuing year, Chinese suppliers satisfied more than 80 percent of U.S.-based consumers’ 
demand for vitamin C. The plaintiffs claimed that the Chinese suppliers conspired to fix 
ESTATE OF pricing of the vitamin.
SANTO Animal Science Products, Audette, Philion, Ranis and a class of other companies and 
$20,000,000 Personal Injury: Past Pain and Suffering
individuals sued the companies that were alleged to have been involved in the price- 
fixing conspiracy. The defendants comprised Jiangsu, China-based Aland (Jiangsu) 

ESTATE OF Nutraceutical Co. Ltd.; Wanchai, Hong Kong-based China Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.; 
ROBERT Arcadia, Calif.-based Hebei Welcome Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.; an affiliate of Hebei 
$20,000,000 Personal Injury: Past Pain and Suffering
Welcome Pharmaceutical, Hebei, China-based North China Pharmaceutical Group 
Corp.; Shenyang, China-based Northeast Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd.; Hebei-based 
PAUL LEVY $15,000,000 Personal Injury: Past Pain and Suffering; Weisheng Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd.; and a subsidiary of the latter company, 
$35,000,000 Personal Injury: future pain and suffering (two years)
Arcadia-based Shijiazhuang Pharmaceutical (USA) Inc. The plaintiffs alleged that the 
defendants’ actions violated § 1 of the Sherman Antitrust Act and §§ 4 and 16 of the 

ROSLYN LEVY $10,000,000 Personal Injury: Past Loss of Consortium
Clayton Antitrust Act.
The court subsequently split the class of plaintiffs. One class comprised companies that 
had directly purchased vitamin C, and the other comprised companies and individuals 
$30,000,000 Personal Injury: Past Pain and Suffering; that had purchased products that contained vitamin C. The former class and Aland 
$30,000,000 Personal Injury: future pain and suffering (1.5 years)
(Jiangsu) Nutraceutical negotiated a pretrial settlement. Aland (Jiangsu) Nutraceutical 
agreed to pay $9.5 million. During the trial, the same class, China Pharmaceutical 
ESTATE OF Group, and Weisheng Pharmaceutical Group negotiated a settlement. Those defendants 

RAYMOND agreed to pay a total of $22.5 million. The other class and Northeast Pharmaceutical 
$20,000,000 Personal Injury: Past Pain and Suffering
Group negotiated another settlement. Northeast Pharmaceutical Group agreed to pay 
$500,000. The trial proceeded against Hebei Welcome Pharmaceutical and North China 
Pharmaceutical Group.
EDITOR’S COMMENT This report is based on information that was provided by 
Plaintiffs’ counsel contended that Hebei Welcome Pharmaceutical, North China plaintiffs’ counsel and Burnham’s counsel. Cleaver-Brooks’ counsel did not respond to the 
Pharmaceutical Group and the remaining defendants voluntarily conspired to fix the reporter’s phone calls, and the remaining defendants’ counsel was not asked to contribute.
price of vitamin C that was sold to U.S.-based consumers. That contention was supported 

by testimony of current and former employees of several defendants.
Hebei Welcome Pharmaceutical’s counsel acknowledged that the defendants had fixed 
the price of vitamin C that was sold to U.S.-based consumers, but they contended that 
the act was a product of control that was exercised by China’s government. A Chinese ANTITRUST
governmental official agreed that the government controlled the price of exported 
vitamin C. Hebei Welcome Pharmaceutical’s counsel contended that the defendants Price Fixing — Business Law — Conspiracy
believed that noncompliance would bring substantial penalties.
Chinese manufacturers fixed vitamin’s price, 

INJURIES/DAMAGES The plaintiffs claimed that the defendants conspired to fix the price class claimed
of vitamin C that they purchased. They claimed that the conspiracy produced a total 
overcharge of $54.1 million.
Defense counsel contended that the plaintiffs did not experience an overcharge. 
Alternatively, they contended that any overcharge did not approach $54.1 million.

The jury found that Hebei Welcome Pharmaceutical and North China Verdict-Plaintiff 
Pharmaceutical Group knowingly conspired to fix the price of vitamin C that was export- CASE In Re Vitamin C Antitrust Litigation 
ed to the United States. The jury further found that the conspiracy increased the prices VENUE U.S. District Court, EDNY 
that were paid by U.S.-based purchasers of the vitamin. It also found that the defendants JUDGE
Brian M. Cogan
did not prove that the conspiracy was compelled by a fear of a government-inflicted 
March 14, 2013 
The jury determined that the plaintiffs’ damages totaled $54.1 million. Trebling was 
imposed by statute. The trebled amount, $162.3 million, was subject to an offset of the TRIAL 

amount that the plaintiffs recovered via the settlements.
9 days 

EDITOR’S COMMENT This report is based on information that was provided by TRIAL 
plaintiffs’ counsel and counsel of Hebei Welcome Pharmaceutical and North China DELIBERATION
0.5 day
Pharmaceutical Group. Additional information was gleaned from court documents. 
Aland (Jiangsu) Nutraceutical’s counsel confirmed his representation of that party, but PLAINTIFF 
he did not provide further feedback. The remaining defendants’ counsel did not respond ATTORNEY(S)
Michael D. Hausfeld of Hausfeld LLP; Washington, DC 

to the reporter’s phone calls.
James T. Southwick of Susman Godfrey LLP; Houston, TX 
William A. Isaacson of Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP; Washington, DC
The VerdictSearch Solution
B. Bernheim Ph.D.; Antitrust (Economics); Stanford, CA
Case-Winning Intelligence 
on the Web, on the Phone and in Print
China Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.,
Hebei Welcome Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., 
Aland (Jiangsu) Nutraceutical Co. Ltd.,

12	VerdictSearch’s Top New York Settlements of 2013

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