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Premises Liability: Negligent Repair and/or Maintenance
1 John v. Teachers Insurance and Annuity Feb 25 Kings Supreme Work site's owners, manager ignored Jonathan S. Damashek and Jordan D. Hecht, New York, NY of Hecht Kleeger 4,500,000 Association of America hazard, plaintiff claimed & Damashek, PC
2 Lopez v. Toys "R" Us NY Limited Partnership Jan 08 Bronx Supreme Plaintiff claimed shopping center didn't fix Scott Occhiogrosso and Daniel P. O'Toole, New York, NY of Block, O'Toole & 2,750,000 uneven sidewalk Murphy, LLP
3 Dautaj v. Alliance Elevator Co. Mar 04 Queens Supreme Negligent Repair: Elevator's repairman Ylber Albert Dauti, New York, NY of The Dauti Law Firm, P.C. 1,350,000 damaged hatch door, plaintiff claimed
4 Bermudez v. Berriman Realty, LLC May 19 Kings Supreme Landlord's disregard of leak led to cabi- Michael J. Hurwitz and Stephen J. Murphy, New York, NY of Block O'Toole 950,000 net's fall, tenant claimed & Murphy, LLP
5 Pickett v. 675 Logan Corp. May 09 Queens Supreme Tenant: Landlord's neglect of leak led to Stephen Z. Williamson, Forest Hills, NY of New York, NY, trial counsel, Elliot 825,000 ceiling's collapse Ifraimoff & Associates, Queens, NY
6 Offner v. Braid Lodging Group Hauppauge, Mar 24 Suffolk Supreme Hotel's operator didn't address icy condi- Patrick F. Bisogno, Brooklyn, NY of Bisogno & Meyerson 750,000 LLC tions, guest claimed
7 Alcime v. NY Affordable Housing EP I As- Jul 08 Kings Supreme Landlord ignored broken walkway, visitor Stuart Wagner, New York, NY of Morrison & Wagner, LLP 550,000 sociates LLC claimed
8 Lockwood v. Lexington Professional Centre Feb 05 New York Plaintiff was susceptible to falls, defense Heather Rago, New York, NY of Fishman McIntyre Levine Samansky P.C. 450,000 Inc. Supreme contended
9 Pagel v. Zorn's Poultry Farms Inc. Jan 24 Suffolk Supreme Restaurant neglected damaged floor, Matthew Marino, Medford, NY of Jacoby & Jacoby 375,000 deliveryman claimed
10 Rosario v. La Cabana Houses Feb 27 Kings Supreme Landlord ignored request for safety rail- Brad A. Kauffman, New York, NY of Law Offices of Brad A. Kauffman, PLLC 350,000 ings, tenant claimed
11 Reyes v. Nunez Food Corp. Mar 11 Bronx Supreme Supermarket's operator ignored icy ramp, Timothy M. Sullivan, New York, NY of The Sullivan Law Firm 325,000 deliveryman claimed
12 Burns v. Lun Mar 05 Queens Supreme Landlord's repair work damaged sidewalk, Martin Wolf, New York, NY of Ginsberg & Wolf, P.C. 315,000 plaintiff claimed
13 Calixte v. 5201 Snyder Avenue Associates, Jan 24 Kings Supreme Janitor's mop work created hazard, build- Peter A. DeFilippis, New York, NY of Peter A. DeFilippis & Associates, P.C. 300,000 L.P. ing's tenant claimed
14 Thompson-Froess v. Jamestown Com- Jan 02 Chautauqua Campus's workers ignored icy walkway, Cornelius J. Lang, Buffalo, NY 175,000 munity College Region Regional Board of Supreme plaintiff claimed
15 Mason v. 1431 Rockaway Parkway, LLC Feb 24 Kings Supreme Bodega's entryway a hazard, patron Henry W. Davoli, Jr., Rockville Centre, NY of Davoli & Vesnaver 110,000 claimed
16 Sorrentini v. Netta Realty Corp. Jul 24 Bronx Supreme Inattentive customer tripped at crime Peter Sweeney, Bayside, NY of Patterson & Sciarrino, LLP 100,000 scene, defense contended
17 Bosland v. North Main Street United Apr 30 Fulton Supreme Church didn't regularly inspect elevator, Jay A. Smith, Albany, NY of Flink Smith Law LLC 87,500 Methodist Church plaintiff claimed
18 Weir v. Amerada Hess Corp. May 14 Albany Supreme Gas station's staff didn't address icy condi- Lee Greenstein, Delmar, NY of Law Offices of Lee Greenstein 75,000 tions, suit alleged
19 Sullivan v. Ulster County Board of Coopera- Mar 18 Ulster Supreme Parking lot's broken walkway a hazard, Regina Fitzpatrick, Kingston, NY of Mainetti, Mainetti & O'Connor, P.C. 32,000 tive Educational Services plaintiff claimed
34 VerdictSearch’s Top New York Settlements of 2014

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