Page 17 - Verdicts and Settlements Hall of Fame: Medical Malpractice
P. 17


Ffrench v. Agnant

Attorney: Christopher B. Meagher 

Firm: Meagher & Meagher, P.C. and

Quaranta & Associates 


Verdict: $47,950,000

By Len Maniace

A 21-year-old woman who saw a series of doctors for back pain 
before an MRI performed 12 years later revealed that she had a 
spinal tumor was awarded nearly $48 million in damages by a state 

Supreme Court jury in Westchester.

The tumor left Shania-Gay Ffrench largely reliant on a wheelchair 

and in need of extensive physical therapy and rehabilitation, as well 
a residential aide, though she was able to work, according to her 
malpractice suit.

Ffrench went to Mount Vernon Hospital on Feb. 3, 2000, complain- Finally in July 2001, Ffrench’s underwent the MRI that showed 
ing of back pain that radiated down her legs, of headaches and the spinal tumor. After several failed attempts to reduce the size 
reported weight loss. She was referred to her primary care physi- of the tumor, Ffrench underwent surgery to remove the tumor in 

cian, Dr. Keith Edwards, who after examining her ive days later sent March 2007. She continued to have a loss of feeling in her legs and 
her to an orthopedist, Dr. Shariar Sotudeh. That doctor suspected dificulty walking.
Ffrench suffered from scoliosis and referred her to another special- 

ist. Ffrench never saw
Ffrench’s attorney Christopher 
that doctor because
B. Meagher of Meagher & Mea- 
her insurance would
gher contended her tumor should FFRENCH’S ATTORNEY CHRISTOPHER B. MEAGHER OF 

not cover the evalu-
have been diagnosed in Febru- 
ary 2000 and that prompt treat- MEAGHER & MEAGHER CONTENDED HER TUMOR SHOULD 
ment would have prevented her 
residual injuries. Ffrench reached Ffrench saw her
an undisclosed settlement with obstetrician/gyne-
Bauer, Agnant, Guerrino, Mount PROMPT TREATMENT WOULD HAVE PREVENTED HER cologist, Dr. Guirlaine

Vernon Hospital, and Mount Ver- Agnant on March 2
non OB/GYN Associates. The trial RESIDUAL INJURIES.
who cut away scar
proceeded against Edwards.
tissue known as

adhesions, which
The jury on July 20, 2009 found Edwards and other parties shared sometimes form after surgery or as a result of infection. That did 
liability for Ffrench’s injuries. Edwards was assigned 30-percent liabil- not end Ffrench’s pain, however. Over the next two months Agnant 

ity; Mount Vernon Hospital, 25-percent liability; Agnant, 15-percent; performed several postoperative examinations, as did Edwards. In 
Guerrino, 10-percent; Mount Vernon OB/GYN Associates, 10-percent; January 2001, Ffrench visited a new primary physician, Dr. Gary 
and Sotudeh, 10-percent liability. Sotudeh was not a party of the suit.
Guerrino, who recommended a neurological evaluation. She also 

sought the help of a chiropractor, Dr. Craig Bauer.

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