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6 | MONDAY, JUNE 16, 2014 | NYLJ 100

Losses, Gains
Our Methodology 

« Continued from page 5
Woods Oviatt Gilman with 86 attorneys, is he NYLJ 100 ranks the 100 largest irms
attorneys, of counsel, etc.); where a irm has more period from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2012. Law- 
new to the NYLJ 100, after two Rochester by number of lawyers in the state of New
than one oice in New York state, the attorney yer counts do not include contract or temporary 
irms combined. Long Island-based Farrell York. (Attorney numbers for the public totals for each oice are added together to arrive attorneys.
Fritz, with 86 attorneys in four ofices, is also law oices of the Corporation Counsel, attorney at one state-wide total. In the case of a tie between Because attorney numbers are submitted in 
new to the rankings.
general and U.S. and district attorneys are listed or among irms, they are ranked equally but listed full-time equivalent terms, in some cases, due to 
Meanwhile, K&L Gates and Martin Clear- 
in separate charts.) Every private law oice in the alphabetically. Firms’ branch oice totals are also rounding, numbers are slightly higher or lower than 
water & Bell fell out of the NYLJ 100 rankings state is considered, irrespective of where the irm listed; where a irm indicated that a branch oice the igures submitted by the irms. Additionally, 
this year.
is headquartered or whether it claims a home had zero attorneys in 2012, the branch was omit- minor discrepancies between the total number of 
oice. Non-U.S.-based law irms are considered ted from the list.
attorneys at a irm and the total number reported 
Government oices
equally with domestic U.S. irms; the sole crite- The NYLJ 100 is prepared from two primary in branch oices are due to rounding. If the New 
rion for inclusion in the NYLJ 100 is the size of sources: data obtained through the 2013 NLJ 350 York Law Journal received corrected or updated 
Some government ofices saw gains in a irm’s New York state presence.
survey of The National Law Journal, an ailiate numbers from any irm surveyed by The National 
attorney head count, including the New York Law oices are ranked by the total number of of the New York Law Journal, and the New York Law Journal, the corrected or updated numbers 
City Law Department, which reported an permanent, full-time-equivalent attorneys (part- Law Journal’s own 2013 NYLJ 100 survey. All data are used here.
11 percent rise to 756 lawyers by the end ners plus associates plus “other attorneys”—staf
are average full-time equivalent numbers for the
of last year. Law Department spokesman 
Nicholas Paolucci said the department 
has increased hiring for new initiatives to 
address e-discovery issues, cases brought 
against the police in federal court and a In Brooklyn, the D.A.’s office remained D.A. ofices in the Bronx, Manhattan, Brook- The number of prosecutors dropped by 5 
rising number of tort cases brought against around 511, while the number of Staten Island lyn and Queens all reported increases in the percent to 216 in the Southern District and 
the police in the Bronx.
prosecutors dropped by two to 46 last year.
number of minority attorneys, while Staten by 5 percent in the Western District to 52. 
In New York City, almost all district attor- The number of female prosecutors in D.A. Island reported two fewer minorities. But The Eastern District held steady, with around 

ney ofices stayed steady or rose in head ofices rose by about 3 percent, but those across the state, 44 D.A. ofices, about the 158 prosecutors.
count last year, according to a survey by the additions were made largely in New York same number as 2012, reported no minority The New York Attorney General’s ofice 
NYLJ. Head count rose by about 7 percent City. Women made up more than half of attorneys.
reported a slight decline of attorney ranks 
to 422 in the Bronx; by about 6 percent to the number of assistant district attorneys Three of the four U.S. Attorney ofices in to 642.
549 in Manhattan; and the head count in in New York City, except in Staten Island, New York saw losses in their head count by @
the Queens D.A.’s ofice rose by 8 percent where male and female attorneys were December 2013, especially in the Northern |
Christine Simmons can be contacted at
to 303.
evenly divided.
District, falling by 20 percent to 36 lawyers.
[email protected]. On Twitter: @chlsimmons

New York State Bar Association, 

Dispute Resolution Section 
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law


For Arbitrators and Counsel

July 15-17, 2014

Charles J. Moxley, Jr.
Edna Sussman
Lea Haber Kuck

This is a comprehensive training program for new arbitrators and seasoned arbitrators interested in taking their skills to the next level – and for litigators interested in learning how to conduct 

successful and effective arbitrations.
The training will be provided by commercial arbitrators Charles J. Moxley, Jr. and Edna Sussman and by arbitration counsel Lea Haber Kuck of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, and 

will include presentations by Jeffrey T. Zaino, Vice President, American Arbitration Association, and Luis M. Martinez, Vice President, International Centre for Dispute Resolution, and other 
leading arbitrators and counsel.

In addition to interactive sessions on managing and conducting arbitrations from the pleadings and preliminary conference through the hearing, award and post-award stag- 
es, the program will cover the law of arbitration, the ethical rules for advocates and arbitrators, e-discovery, award writing, international arbitration, mental heuristics affecting 

decision-making, and the development of an arbitration practice.

or contact [email protected]

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