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Complex Litigation | MONDAY, JUNE 2, 2014 | S3

With Anchin’s Expertise, in TCPA cases, and it thus had held that First, often the defendant will allege that 

state statutes of limitations rather than the a given communication is not an advertise- 
Complex Issues are Simpliied.
federal four-year catch-all statute of limita- ment, but is merely an “informational com- 
tions applied to TCPA claims. At the time munication,” which is not subject to the 
Mims was decided, a petition for certiorari TCPA at all. Courts take a broad view of 
was pending from a Second Circuit decision what constitutes an advertisement, however, 
applying Connecticut’s two-year statute of including any information that promotes a 
limitations in a TCPA case. Giovanniello company’s goods and services, even if they 
v. ALM Media, 660 F.3d 587 (2d. Cir. 2011), are offered for free or the communication is 
vacated and remanded, 133 S. Ct. 159 (2012), simply meant to induce the recipient to take 

reversed in part, 726 F.3d 106 (2d Cir. 2013).3 some action like coming into the defendant’s 
In light of Mims, the Supreme Court vacated business.6
and remanded to the Second Circuit, which Next, cases involving communications 
found its prior jurisprudence on this issue made before October 2013 often turned on 
was incorrect holding that the federal four- whether the “existing business relationship” 
year statute of limitations applied instead exception applied. That exception permit- 
of the shorter state law limitations period.4
ted certain types of communications to be 
Since Giovanniello was a Connecticut sent, even without express permission of the 

case, the question of the permissibility of recipient, if the parties had a pre-existing 
class actions in New York was not at issue. business relationship. This exception is 
However, a few months later, the Second Cir- not in the statute itself, but was contained
cuit had the opportunity to review the New 
York class action question in light of Mims. In 
Bank v. Independence Energy Group, 736 F.3d 
660 (2d Cir. 2013), the Second Circuit decided In ‘Mims’, the Supreme Court 
whether a plaintiff’s TCPA class action was 
At Anchin, we have a team of experts dedicated to understanding your complex properly dismissed by the E.D.N.Y. in reliance ruled that the “permissive grant 
litigation, forensic and valuation needs.
on the CPLR The Second Circuit noted that of jurisdiction to state courts” 
Our professionals excel at helping to simplify and resolve intricate inancial issues. Our team’s depth, irm resources, intellectual “[t]he Supreme Court’s decision in Mims . in the TCPA did not preclude 
capital base, analytical expertise and network of international professionals are strategically utilized to create effective uprooted much of our TCPA jurisprudence,” 
solutions, expert witnessing, damage calculations, valuations and investigations.
and held that New York State’s procedural “federal courts’ exercise of the 
Let us be Your Expert Partner.
rule prohibiting class action claims for 
Stephen W. Shulman, CPA/ABV, CVA, CFF Anthony M. Bracco, CPA/CFF, CFE, CVA statutory damages no longer prohibits class general federal question juris- 
actions for damages being brought under diction they have possessed 
[email protected]
[email protected]
the TCPA in New York federal courts. Id. at 
661. Open the loodgates.
since 1875.” @anchincpa
1375 Broadway, New York, NY 10018

Issues Frequently Arising in TCPA Cases
within one of the binding FCC regulations. 
Now that the New York courts are open The FCC, however, removed this exception 
to TCPA class actions, New York practitio- in a regulation change that became effective 
ners litigating TCPA cases need to be aware on Oct. 16, 2013.
of a host of issues that have come up in The focus of the new regulations is on 
other jurisdictions. The following outlines what constitutes “consent.” This is prob- 
Make informed strategic decisions. 
some of the most important ones to watch ably the most litigated issue in TCPA cases. 
for—and while not intended to be a compre- While it would seem that whether someone Win larger verdicts. 
hensive discussion of each issue (each of consented to receiving a communication Negotiate from strength.
which could ill tomes on their own)—aims ought to be a simple issue, all kinds of 
to provides an “issue spotting” checklist for circumstances can give rise to arguments 
litigating TCPA class actions.
about whether a particular act is suficient 
FCC regulations and guidance: Binding to provide consent. The new FCC regulations 
or not? While the TCPA is statutory, the Fed- have tried to clarify, and make stricter, what 
eral Communications Commission (FCC) has constitutes “consent” for post-October 2013 

a statutory mandate to enact regulations communications. Under the new rules, con- 
and to provide guidance on interpreting sent means “prior express written consent” 
those regulations and the statute. See 47 that has not been withdrawn, which means 
C.F.R. 64.1200. Some have been the subject that inferential consent wrought from the vol- 
of the formal federal rulemaking process and untary provision of contact information can 
therefore have the force of law, but some are no longer be argued.7 The disclosure must be 
merely persuasive authority, although some clear and conspicuous, and consent cannot 
courts have held FCC enforcement guide- be a condition for making a purchase. The 
lines should not be taken into account.The recipient’s signature is required (although 
practice point here is not to take for granted it can be an electronic signature).
Access a database of more than 180,000 verdicts 
that a given regulation or policy statement For example, if a customer signs up for and settlements from the nation’s leading provider of verdict and settlement research.
Quick access
deserves deference by the court—each piece a store credit card or loyalty program, and 
of guidance from the FCC should be carefully the program guidelines inform the customer Take for a test-drive and see for 
vetted before relying on it, whether for the they may receive solicitations as a result of yourself how powerful, fast and easy to use it is.
plaintiff or defense.
signing up for the program, that has been 3 Full Case Views
Unsolicited adver tising, existing busi- held to be suficient consent by some courts. 
ness relationships, scope of consent, the In a given case, however, a customer may GET STARTED
recent changes to Federal regulations, and Advanced Search
claim that she did not intend to sign up for 
the impact on class certiication. Without the program at issue. Other issues that can 
attempting to parse all of the statutory text arise include whether the communications 
and regulations that may apply in a given sent exceed the scope of the consent. For 
case here, the bulk of TCPA cases turn on instance, in a recently settled case against VerdictSearch | 120 Broadway 5th Floor | New York, NY 10271 | 877-807-8076
several key issues.
the Buffalo Bills in Florida, the » Page S11

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